Chapter 2: The Worker Drones Base

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As Izuku and Deku(CPU) follow the drone ahead of them. Izuku is seen crouching down but very slow as well as Deku(CPU) is seen only just walking normally since the drone won't see him. Even so Izuku have to still be careful because A slightest noise can catch the drone's attention. The good news is the drone hasn't noticed Izuku yet. Phew. Until suddenly Izuku lost his balance as he trips, hitting his helmet in the cold snow. Izuku sighed sadly. ( Why did I have to trip again? I've done this twice already. The first time I've tripped in front of U.A high school was on my very first day but luckily this girl named Ochaco Uraraka saved me from falling who is one of my best friends now. I'm grateful for that.)

"AH!" izuku heard someone yelling out of nowhere. When Izuku started to get upslowly, he then saw Deku(CPU) walking over to Izuku. Deku(CPU) looked at Izuku with a worried expression on his face.

Deku(CPU): "hey izuku are you ok?" Deku(CPU) looked down at izuku as he stands back up off the ground.

Izuku: "yeah I'm good thanks." Izuku smiled as he looked at Deku(CPU) but when he turned back his smile suddenly vanished when he saw the drone up ahead hopping farther and farther away from them.

Izuku:"W-Wait! Hold on!" Izuku and Deku(CPU) ran after the drone until they both saw a building in the distance. He haven't noticed until now as Izuku stops following him and hides behind a snowy hill, kneeling down. (I can't risk following behind him any longer. What happens if an army of drones come through that door? It will not be pretty.) Izuku peeked his head out to see what the drone is doing, the drone just stood outside of the huge big metal door as he yelled out-

Drone: "Hey can you open the door? I'm injured and Someone is following me!" The drone scared, as he looks behind him to only see no one in sight. "Oh Nevermind! No one is right behind me." The drone then smiles as he didn't notice Izuku. While Izuku quickly hides his head back behind the snowy hill sweating. (That was close! I almost got caught.) Deku(CPU) could be seen standing in the middle of the snow looking at the drone.

Izuku: "H-Hey Deku(CPU) Hide! The drone is going to see you!" Izuku whispered to Deku(CPU) scared that Deku(CPU) will be found out. Izuku is frantically looking at Deku(CPU) and back behind the snowy hill.

Deku(CPU): "you know I can't be seen right? It only works if I allow them to see me." Deku(CPU) smirked as he looked at izuku.

Izuku: "oh right..." izuku then sweated as he peeked his head out again. Izuku then sees the big metal door opening as the drone is hopping inside. After that the big metal door slam shut.

Both Deku(CPU) and Izuku were silent.

Deku(CPU): "how do we get inside?" Deku(CPU) walks over to Izuku.

Izuku: "you know you can just go through the door right? No one will see you." Izuku looked at Deku(CPU) as he made a valid reason.

Deku(CPU): "well I can but it's no point going inside without you there with me. We're friends aren't we? Come on follow me!" Deku(CPU) then started to walk over to the place the drone was last seen at.

Izuku: "oh yeah we are friends! And thank you for sticking by me all this time." Izuku smiled as he followed where Deku(CPU) was going.

Deku(CPU): "no problem!" Deku(CPU) and Izuku arrived in front of the metal door as they stood still in the snow.

Izuku and Deku(CPU) fully look at the base, it was huge. This whole base is like medium sized but has the best defense of protecting themselves with no windows at all. The most noticeable thing that caught both of their attention was the big metal door in front of their face. (Why did they have a big metal door? Are they protecting of themselves? if they are...from what though?) Izuku was getting quite curious trying figuring to figure out his own question. (Snap out of it Izuku. You have got to focus what is in front of you right now!)

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