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Chapter One

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Slightly Important: Before you read, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the time line chosen for this story is absolutely NOT a mistake. I know you know your history about slavery and its abolishment and the timeline of this story might seem very confusing, but I can assure you that all of that will be explained as the story progresses.


London, 1859

The feel of silk pressed against her sweaty palms as she tightened her hold on the curtains, threatening to pull it down, did very little to gain her attention.

She stared at the carriage that stood before the building, her heart rate tripling in speed as she watched the two strangers climb out of it and make their way into the building.

"Annabelle!" She heard Maggie's breathless voice, accompanied by the sound of the door slamming against the wall. "Annabelle, he's here! The master is here!"

She stood still by the window, her gaze fixed on the empty carriage.

"Annabelle!" Maggie screeched, exasperation clear in her tone.

Sighing softly, Annabelle released her grip on the curtains and stiffly turned to acknowledge the frantic maid.

"Lord Henry Finley just arrived the estate and you would remain calm?!" Maggie half yelled, her big brown eyes growing in size as she balled her fists on her hips. "Perhaps the master shall be a monster, then what shall we do?!" she spat, brown tendrils slapping her face as she shook her head furiously.

Turning from Annabelle in an obvious move to hide the tears that glistened in her eyes, she began pacing the length of the room.

Annabelle watched her, her heart sinking with the weight of the truth of Maggie's words.

"Have Caesar inform Lord Henry Finley that I shall join him shortly," she choked out, fighting the urge to give in to her tears, for she couldn't cry. For the life of her, she couldn't break down now.

"Perhaps the new master intends to get rid of us?" Maggie's tears slipped down her pale cheeks.

She shook her head, swallowing her tears. "Every master needs help, Maggie. I am certain he does not intend to get rid of the servants in his home."

"Perhaps he intends to get rid of you?!" Maggie cried, falling forward as her arms tangled around Annabelle's waist. Burying her face in Annabelle's chest, she wept.

Barely able to contain her own emotions, Annabelle stood still, her gaze traveling the length of the room that had made up a major part of her life. The sight of it filled her with memories—happy memories. Memories that forced a bitter smile to her lips at the mere thought of leaving it behind.

Yet, she knew leaving it behind was inevitable for Elijah Finley, the lord of the estate, was dead and with his death came the termination of her stay in his house. Annabelle wasn't foolish enough to think Henry, Elijah's son, would permit her presence in his father's estate. Perhaps she barely knew a thing about Henry, for he never visited nor was he courteous enough to write his father before his demise. The last time she saw Henry was when she was twelve years old—thirteen years ago. However, she didn't believe he possessed Elijah's heart. She hadn't made the acquaintance of anyone who could boast of possessing a heart as kind as Elijah's—a heart kind enough to father a slave.

Yet, Elijah had done just that; he had been Annabelle's father.

And now her father was dead.

"Go now, Maggie. Have Caesar inform Lord Finley that I shall join him shortly," she whispered softly, untangling Maggie's arms from around her waist.

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