Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The first time I'd had sex was the only time I've ever had sex.

In the first two weeks since starting school, I had roamed the corridors and classes alone, trying to ignore the snickers and insults subtly thrown at me.

I didn't ever resent being alone. In fact, I much preferred my own company better than anybody else's. Besides, it was easier for me that way. I never had to entertain anyone. Never had to seem likable or interesting, or had to laugh at jokes that weren't even funny.

Of course, this is all a lie. All of it.

Nathan Ericson, who had a unanimous level of popularity that made him practically royalty, was throwing a huge party at his house. And it was all anybody could talk about.

"Oh my god, I'm so excited! What are you wearing?"

"Well, I'm definitely breaking in my new shoes for the occasion! Y'know, the hot little pink ones?"

"Have you seen the size of his place? I heard he has a team of housekeepers who have their own apartment quarters at his house."

"I'm going to obliterate so many brain cells tonight, it's not even funny..."

"This is so major. I can't believe he invited me!"

"I think he invited everybody, Kristie..."

Nobody was even bothering to pretend to pay attention to the class, which desperately tried to get everyone's attention. The constant babble of mindless teenagers seemed an endless sight.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around. Nathan was leaning against his table, propped up on his forearms. He had that same arrogant look on his face that seemed to be permanent, because I had yet to see him without it.

I meant what I said. Nobody talked to me unless it was absolutely necessary. I was often left alone when it came to group projects, so I had to do all the work completely by myself. All school-initiated group activities were a complete write off.

Unlike everybody else, Nate seemed to find my aptitude for telling lies to be a sight for intrigue rather than scorn. He seemed to like flirting with me in particular. It was all a game to him and I knew better than to take it seriously. Still, I had no real idea of how to respond to his attention.

Flirting is on a whole other league. Pure human conversation alone, for me, is enough of a leap forward.

"Your hair looks very blonde today, Jess the Menace," was his opening line of the day.

Nathan was never given him a hard time about socializing with me. Nobody took it seriously – least of all himself. Not even me. An afternoon class spent reciting soliloquies about the blueness of my eyes was always quickly and seamlessly forgotten by the time the next week rolled around. The following week, he'd move on to making a gallant show of pulling my chair out for me before I could sit on it.

I knew what he was doing. He wanted to see if he could woo every girl in the entire campus, even the weird girl.

"Are you coming tonight?" he asked, that grin never wavering. "I never heard back."

"I was never invited in the first place," I answered diplomatically. I made sure my voice wasn't within earshot from everyone else.

"Well, now I'm officially inviting you. Can you come?"

I met him squarely in the eye. "No."

"Why not?"

"I don't want to."

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