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Ben finally agreed to go to counseling and he had to admit that it was helping him to be aware of his emotions and how to deal with them more effectively.

He and Miranda were even doing couples counseling to help them navigate through this as a team instead of feeling and acting as though they're alone in this and not communicating with each other.

Miranda could tell that it was helping because on bad days when Ben was having a depressed episode he would explain his emotions to her instead of lashing out like he was before.

And Miranda could tell in turn it was doing her some good because she wasn't taking it personal and she didn't shut him out in return when his emotions were better and he wanted her around like normal.

Miranda walked into their bedroom and Ben was zoned out with his jaw clenched tight and tears in his eyes.

"Benn, do you feel like telling me what's wrong or do you want me to give you some space and come back later?" Miranda asked gently.

Ben looked over at her as tears fell onto his cheeks, "I...I I I."

"Okay okay," Miranda said rushing over to the bed as Ben began to sob. She quickly wrapped her arms around him and held him as he cried.

Miranda cried too because she had never seen her husband so broken. He'd loss both of his parents and even then he was never this emotional.

Ben laid in Miranda's arms and she held him tightly to calm him.

"I know that my job is dangerous but I never thought that this would happen to me? Why did this happen to us?" Ben questioned rhetorically.

"You went months not knowing if I would ever wake up and be myself again and here I am trying to be myself again but it's just so frustrating. Having a crushed leg, multiple surgeries while I was unconscious and to think I won't be able to fully be myself," Ben confessed.

"Ben I know baby but even with your leg, you will get back to yourself and we will get back to us okay," Miranda replied as she kissed his head and continued to hold him.

One month later....

Ben was feeling good, he was really starting to feel just a strong as he did before his accident. He was back driving now so he had his physical therapy sessions at the hospital and he would also do some of his own working out in his home gym that Miller and Jackson came and setup for him in their garage.

He didn't need the crutches anymore but he still used the walker and was working his way up to only needing the cane Miranda bought to motivate him.

Ben finished up with his physical therapy session and decided to go to Miranda's office to surprise her. It was her first full day back at work and she was so excited. When he got to her office he knocked on the door.

"Come in," Miranda instructed.

"Hey there Chief," Ben said grinning at Miranda in her white coat.

"Hey Benjamin Warren, Miranda replied walking up to him and pecking his lips.

"How was your physical therapy session today?" Miranda inquired.

"It went really good, I'm getting closer and closer to only using the cane you bought me. I'm going to go home and do my workouts," Ben informed.

"Okay, I won't be home until later tonight because I have two laparotomies, a appendectomy, an cholecystectomy, 4 hernia repairs and a colectomy," Miranda explained.

"Sounds like you have an exciting, full and busy day," Ben said slowly.

"Well I will leave you to enjoy your day at work and I will see you tonight," Ben said as he grabbed her waist and kissed her before leaving out.

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