Chapter 1

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Y/N hummed a quiet tune to herself as she wandered about the streets, her worn leather boots making dull thuds as they hit the cobblestone. As she walked, her eyes darted around, taking in all the sights of Market Chipping. Most of her life had been spent travelling the world in search of a place to call home, and for some reason, Y/N had found herself wandering here, to this quaint and lively little town. 

"There sure are a great many things to love here," she said softly. 

She noticed a lovely hat shop down the lane and she smiled, turning her direction to the swinging sign. One of the things that she did not own, along with many other things, was a hat that was suitable for simply walking about. Or any hat for that matter. She had left most of her things back at her parents' home far away, hoping to start fresh. There were things that she desperately wanted to leave behind there. 

A gentle chime echoed around the hat shop as Y/N entered, carefully shutting the door behind her. It seemed like it was the most popular shop in town, for there were a lot of people inside, most of whom seemed to be women. They were all floating about with their friends, searching for a hat that they found suitable for themselves. Y/N, always a quiet girl, remained in the shadows of the shop, silently admiring the handiwork of the hats, not saying anything when she was rudely pushed out of the way by patrons. 

"Excuse me, ma'am?"

Y/N turned to see a young woman, about her age, standing behind her. She was a pretty girl, with hair the colour of the deepest earth, dressed in a simple green dress. 

"How are you today? See anything you are interested in?"

Y/N shook her head. "No. I am just browsing right now."

The woman smiled at Y/N. "Well, my name is Sophie. Sophie Hatter."

"Y/N," Y/N said in her soft voice. She extended her hand and Sophie took it. "Lovely to meet you, Sophie."

"Nice to meet you too, Y/N. May I suggest this hat for you?" Sophie gently tugged Y/N over to a shelf of hats and pulled down a beautiful woven one with a sky blue trim around the crown, and a wide variety of flowers sewn to the trim. Sophie gently placed it on Y/N's head and turned her to look into the mirror. "What do you think?"

Y/N smiled. "I love it. How much for it?"

Sophie and Y/N quickly exchanged the hat for money, and Sophie invited Y/N to the back of the shop so that they could continue talking in private. 

"So you're new to Market Chipping?" Sophie sat down at her bench and pulled up an extra stool for Y/N.

"Yes. I just arrived this morning. I must say that you live in a beautiful place, Sophie."

Sophie smiled. "Yes, I suppose I do. It's a pity that that wizard Howl is lurking about in the Wastes. No one dares to go there now, and everyone is saying that a woman shouldn't walk about by themselves." She picked up an unfinished hat and started sewing.

"The Wizard Howl," Y/N asked. "I just came from the Wastes, and I saw no sign of a wizard about."

"He hides his castle most of the time." Sophie glanced over at Y/N. "I am sorry. I just thought that I should tell you because he is known for hunting down beautiful girls and stealing their hearts."

Y/N chuckled and picked up one of the finished hats that had yet to be brought out to the shop. "And you aren't worried yourself?"

Sophie sighed, her smile fading quickly. "I am not beautiful. Howl wouldn't bother with stealing my heart."

"On the contrary, Sophie," Y/N said. "I think you are quite beautiful, more so than the extravagant girls that I saw wandering the streets. There's a beauty in your simplicity." 

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