The Cellar (13)

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Chapter 13

Clover's POV

Watching her lying there begging me to help her was so empowering but this was her fault, she made me do this, if she wasn't a cheating slut then she wouldn't have to face the consequences. "P-please Colin," she begged while trying to push herself up but her arms gave way and she fell to the floor screaming in pain. 

She tried to move her broken body again but she was only moving forward an inch before she would collapse to the floor. Blood trailed along the carpet where she tried to escape. Don't let the evil ones escape. They need to learn. 

"Helen," I whispered. She looked up at me and I stabbed the knife through her heart. Her eyes widened for a second before her body fell limp on the floor. I sighed in relief and put the knife down so I could go to the boot of my car and get the bag I'd packed earlier. 

Her eyes were still open when I returned to her bedroom. I moved quickly, putting her body into a bag and using her cleaning that I found in the kitchen to clean up as much of the blood as I could. The smell of the blood made me gag and I scrubbed as quickly as I could, trying to beat the germs, it felt like they were crawling all over me already. My breathing sped up and I scrubbed harder, finally jumping up, I needed to get out of here now. 

I put the knife and the cleaning products in my bag, slung it over my back and picked the body bag up. The blood stained the floor but apart from that you wouldn't know anything happened in here. Don't let them catch you, they'll stop you and they can't do the job properly. 

I chucked Helen and my bag in the boot and drove the twenty miles to the canal as fast as I could. I need to get home soon and shower as I felt disgusting. Dirty boy, dirty unclean boy needs to wash. 

No one was around as I imagined, it practically derelict. I drove passed the second abandoned factory and weighted the bag down with large rocks. "Goodbye whore," I said as I pushed her body into the water. She sank to the bottom quickly, I stayed just long enough to make sure she wasn't going to come back up and ran back to my car speeding home. The world was a slightly better place with her gone but what about him? He can't get away with it either. Why kind of sick cheating bastard would cheat on his wife and child? I punched the steering wheel and clenched my jaw. How could he? What about the boy that has to learn his father is cheating scum? 

Once I got home I jumped in the shower and scrubbed my body until my skin turned red and stung, it hurt but I felt better, calmer. My heart beat slowed as I got out and dried myself. I'm clean again. I smiled at myself in the mirror. 

Finally when I'd finished cleaning the knife and disposing of Helen's cleaning products I climbed into bed and felt my whole body relax. It's done. 

Summer's POV 

I heard a noise from above the cellar and knew he was back from doing whatever it is he does, murdering innocent people. I shrank back in the sofa and prayed he wouldn't come down here anymore tonight. Rose and Poppy didn't even look away from the film we were watching, did they hear him come back or were they just not scared? 

"Poppy why did you give up?" I blurted out. It was something I have wanted to ask thousands of times and something I just couldn't understand. I know she had no one but still this can't be better than living alone, I would rather sleep on the streets than be here. 

She looked very uncomfortable as she turned her body to face me. "It's not about giving up Lily, it's about surviving," she replied simply. "I don't know if we'll ever get out of here, alive, but what else can I do?" 

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