ᴄʜᴀᴩᴛᴇʀ 17_ʜᴏᴍᴇ

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Such an amazing week!

Jungkook was having a great time in a long time. He started dating Taehyung and since he was mostly free lately the two got to spend a lot of time together. They weren't particularly clingy but for sure found reasons to be around each other.

Yoongi and Jimin when got to know about their relationship didn't look too surprised and rather relieved for some reason. They definitely saw it coming, knowing their best friends too well.

Jungkook soon got to know that Jimin too had the same job as Taehyung. He wouldn't lie but he was super worried initially when he thought Jimin could be a criminal, just like Taehyung. Fortunately, none of it was true and the exciting part of his life was finally here.

He noticed how Taehyung was such a caring boyfriend to him. It's obvious in a relationship but Jungkook had always found Taehyung intimidating to say the least so this new side of his was clicking to him well. He couldn't help but find him adorable.

Jungkook was taken good care of this whole time and he knew it was finally his turn to give it back to him. It was Taehyung's birthday the next day and he had planned to drive over to his place and surprise him at exactly 12. Perfect. What could possibly go wrong?

Well, something already did. He had asked Jimin to accompany since he was best friends with Taehyung. However, he couldn't do it since he had an ongoing mission at the moment. He assured that he would be there at some point of the day to wish the boy but couldn't be there for midnight.

So Jungkook decided to not be upset about it and drove off by himself.

He checked his phone again. It was 11:57. He was standing right at the door to his house and noticed a light from inside. He was definitely up. The thought made Jungkook more excited as he made himself steady on his feet, ready with a party popper he had bought on his way.

Just when it was the right time, he rang the doorbell and some footsteps resounded from the other side. Jungkook smiled wide, heartbeat unsteady as he grew impatient.

Just then, the door opened.

"Surprise!" He pulled the string and the explosion happened.

The overjoyed expression on the younger's face turned into one of surprise and absolute terror as he found before him, a man in his fifties, covered in colourful confetti from head to toe.

He took a step back, too shocked to take in the situation. He didn't like how he looked so much like Taehyung. He didn't like the fact that he was definitely his father. Just then, from the corner of his eyes he saw Taehyung standing at a distance, peeking over his dad's shoulder and smiling like an idiot. He even noticed his mom, watching the scene unfold at a further distance.

Oh goodness, fuck life!

Jungkook totally panicked, not having expected to meet his parents in such a weird and awkward situation. Jeez, it was literally his birthday. Of course his parents could be there! Why did I not think about that earlier? He cussed at himself mentally.

In a rushed state, he bowed about 90 degrees low, making sure to show the most respect while his insides were exploding in anxiety.

"H..Hello...uh dad- Mr. Kim." He stammered, still in the same posture with his head low and eyes shut in embarrassment at the stuttering mess he was. He didn't know what any of their reactions were at this but he stayed still until Taehyung walked further and asked him to stand normally and not worry.

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