Chapter 65

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He nods his head before we head of to the garage.


It's the next day and I'm currently getting ready for my date with Blaze.

I'm a little nervous not going to lie.

I haven't know Blaze for that long but I do really like him, I want to get to know him more and better.

Atlas suggested yesterday evening that he would take care of Elijah for a few hours while I'm on that date.

Elijah is still sleeping in my bed since it's still morning,

Blaze told me to dress casual and that we would be out the whole day.

When I'm finished getting dressed into a flower skirt, a cute top and a blazer while also having curled my hair and put some mascara on, I grab the same small bag from yesterday and walk back to the sleeping Elijah.

Elijah fell asleep on my chest last night after we went shopping.

He's got clothes and some other things now.

He has some toys, bathing supplies, art stuff, some books,...

After all that, I had some fun with my brothers by torturing our father.

He told us the truth about everything he's done.

He actually did know about the abuse like I had expected and he was mad when I wasn't being hurt anymore when I was with Henry which he found that a good reason to kill him.

He knew about Elijah as expected since John and my father actually had contact with each other.

My father knew I was being beaten and raped daily and he didn't do anything about it, in fact he encouraged it while he was beating my brothers.

He's such a fucked up man.

I pick the sleeping kid up and place him on my lap.

I gently stroke his back, waking him up slowly.

"Mama?" He croaks out, sleepily.

"Hey baby" I smile and kiss his head.

"I won't be here for a few hours so you'll be staying with your uncle Atlas for today." I say

"You come back?" He asks worried, scared.

"Yes, of course Elijah. Mama won't leave you, I'm just meeting up with someone and then I'll come back. Maybe uncle Atlas will bring you to the park or some playground if you ask him while I'm gone" I suggest

He nods his head and wraps his arms more tightly around me.

Soon I'm helping Elijah pick out some clothes for the day and get dressed.

He brushes his teeth and then we go downstairs.

I place Elijah in a chair and grab some bread and cheese which I give to him on a plastic plate.

"This is cheese" I tell him while pointing to the slice in between his bread.

"Thank you mama" he smiles.

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