Chapter 7

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I curled up in bed and quickly fell asleep completely forgetting about dinner. My nerves really did get rid of my appetite and the fact I had the approval of at least one parent put my mind at ease.

I awoke well before my alarm. I lay there staring at the little red numbers on my clock slowly ticking toward 6 am. Around 5:30 I tip-toed to my bathroom and got a quick shower hoping that nobody heard me.

I hurried through getting ready, not bothering with my hair or makeup. Pulling on my shoes, my phone started vibrating.


'On my way!'

'Did you tell the parental units?'

'Just dad. I'm leaving mom a note. She'd totally freak out.'

'Yeah. I told my dad too. He was okay with it.'

'Mine too.'


'Right? I'll be down in a minute!'


I grabbed my suitcases and snuck down the hallway.

"Want help with those?" Dad asked behind me.

"Oh, my Goddess. Why are you awake?"

"I figured you would be leaving before everyone got up. Plus there's an early morning meeting with Alpha."

"About the deer?" I questioned.

He nodded grabbing my suitcases.

I sighed heavily and followed close behind.

"Do you girls have food for the road?"

"We were gonna stop before leaving town."

He handed me a sack full of biscuit and sausage sandwiches, muffins, and a few cookies. "To add to the unhealthy things you'll be getting."

"Thanks, dad."

"Don't worry about it, pup." He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed tight. "Be careful. Okay? And have fun."

"I will. I'm leaving mom a note."

"Don't worry about it. I'll let her know."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. She'll take it better coming from me. She'll understand why you left though. She knows this has been really hard on you."

"I'm gonna miss you."

"I'm gonna miss you too. But you won't be gone forever so I'll see you in a little bit."

"Right. Make sure you let me know what happens with that deer, okay?"

"Definitely. I'll call you later. Now hurry before the whole house wakes up."

I nodded and kissed his cheek before running out the door to Ashley's car.

"Morning, Beta."

Dad waved to my friend. "Morning, Ashley. Make sure you take care of my daughter!"

"I will, sir!"

"You two have fun, okay?"

"That's the plan! Bye!"

She honked her horn, assuring everyone would wake up, and sped out of the driveway towards the border of our pack's territory.

"We are stopping at ToniJo's for fuel for the car and for food."

"Dad sent us with a bag of biscuits, sausage, muffins, and cookies."

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