Chapter 39

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Three Post-it notes from Chris waited for me on the kitchen counter after my shower. I cracked open a Diet Coke and took a few bites of the eggs and bacon Chris left for me, and glanced at them warily.

“Call my cell phone if you need anything.” Anything was underlined twice.

The second Post-it was better. “Dinner Friday after the show? Reservations at Blue Bistro, 7 p.m.”

Number three said:
“Called the Day Spa. They’ll fit you in.”

Yes. He was definitely trying to make up. Sweet. Very sweet. And doable today, if I wanted to. A long, hot shower helped, but my muscles were still screaming from last night’s tussle with Alyssa.

I picked up the phone to call the spa, but found myself hitting speed dial for Candace.

She answered on the second ring.

“Well, if it isn’t Mike Tyson’s sister.” Candace made a ‘ding’ sound into the phone. “When’s round two?”

“Hopefully never,” I teased.

“Sweet Jesus, I hate that I missed last night!” Candace moaned.

“Yeah, you could have been there to help me,” I reminded her. “I’m afraid your dress didn’t survive as well as I did. It’s ruined.”

“Don’t worry about that old thing. I care more that you’re okay. How did Chris handle it?” she asked.

“Did he ride up on a white stallion, brandishing his sword?”

I considered telling her about Chris and the mystery girl, but decided against it. “He helped Rick carry me out to the car, I think. Then took me home and put me to bed.”
“Are you okay?”

“Nothing a little makeup won’t fix. I think.” I touched my face. “I guess I can go on air like this.”

“Hey, if you do have a bruise, it’s a medal of honor.” Candace insisted. “You were attacked! What were you supposed to do? Lie there and let her beat you to a pulp? You’d be in the hospital.” She took a breath. “Everyone’s talking about it. The rumor mill is churning, and not in a terrible way. You know, after the on air fist fight, lots of people thought she might have been abused.”

“By Tim? Come on.”

“She plays a pretty good victim.” Candace laughed. “But now, everyone’s finally seeing Alyssa for what she really is. A very scary, crazy girl.”

“And what about me?”

“Oh honey, this will do wonders for the six and ten shows. Everyone knows you’re the innocent one who was forced to fight back. You can be tough, beautiful, and edgy. Um…think Jennifer Garner in Electra. Alyssa is Halle Berry playing Cat Woman.”

“Cat Woman. Didn’t she kill people?” I buried my face in my hands. I couldn’t help giggling. At least it made me feel better.

“Well, a few.”

“Thanks. I’ll let Drew know that I’ve become a super heroine. That’s exactly the look he’d go for, by the way. Tights. High-heeled boots. Weapons.”

“Now, that will get you a boost in ratings.”

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