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" Emily what the fuck are you doing" I said half shocked and the other half trying to hold in a loud laugh that is bound to come out .

Let me explain the scene.

Emily had handcuffed a terrified Axle to her bed , she had a stack of albums and unhung posters beside her on the bed as she sat beside Axle who kept trying to escape, she kept shoving the merch in the guy's face and showing him her "limited edition" stuff, poor guy just kept forcing a smile of his face and nodding.

" I was just showing him my collection of merch, he is enjoying the tour can't you tell" she said looking way too serious.

" You brought this upon yourself " I said not holding in my laughter any more .

" No please, I ......I mean continue " he tried to give Emily a genuine smile but poor guy just looked really scared to show any other emotions, and of course Emily being the obsessed bitch she is didn't realize or see the horrified look on his face .

" Axle it's getting kinda late don't you think it's time to leave" I said leaning on the door frame face emotionless, as best as I could make it look at least.

" Hay don't be rude..." Emily tried to argue but Axle was quick to jump in .

" Yeah you're right I should really leave and now ,I have a ...........an important meeting ,yeah , am sorry ,I would have loved to stay more but I can't" the guy ranted sounding irritated.

" Ohhhh , but I'll miss you , do you promise to come over again , oh, by the way ,I have a surprise for you , I have bought your real-life meeting ticket, isn't that amazing you get to see me up close again soon" Emily said enthusiastically.

" Yeah amazing, w ..would you mind uncuffing me ?  " Axle smiled.

" Oh ,of course, see you soon babe ,ugh , stupid me , I mean bye Axle " a bright smile invaded Emily's face as she waved goodbye to Axle.

He in return gave her one last smile before running off, me following behind.

" Bro no offense but am genuinely terrified, I would hate me too if I were you ...... ......what I just said didn't make any sense right? " Axle ranted the second we left the house.

" See , that's not even half of what I go through " I added rolling my eyes.

" Hay when is your shift starting,I would like to have one of your infamous cocktails" Axle said rubbing his temple ,bet she ate a piece of his brain.

" Yeah sure , I actually start in less than an hour " I said looking at the time on my phone .

" Ugh , what should we do for the time being " he asked .

" Well...........I would like to know more about you , I want to know why my sister is so obsessed with you and your every move ?" I said .

We have reached to some Cafe , we entered and took the small table in one of the corners, just so Mr super star would be able to be more open and comfortable.

" Well what do you want to know ?"

" Hmmm , am not really sure, wait how does that sound you ask a question and then I ask you one and yeah " I offered

" Hmm sure "

" You ask first " I said .

" Okay , I don't know if I can ask this but....... what's wrong with your father ? " Axle asked and I was taken back by the question.

" Well.......he is really sick ,my mother refuses to tell me what he has or even let me or my sister enter the room on him , she only said that he has an incurable disease " I said before shrugging, the topic made me kinda sad , my relationship with my father wasn't as good as my mother's ,was never like her's, but still , one day we were a complete happy family and the next day one of us was locked up in there room suffering from something that can't be cured .

" Am sorry if I ruined your mood , I didn't think it would be that serious ,am sorry "Axle apologized

" No it's fine ,you didn't know..... it's now my turn ...hmm ....let me think " we sat quietly for a couple of seconds before I came up with a question.

" Okay I've got a really hard one , have you ever had a fan confece to you and tell you that she loves you and you started dating her and stuff , as the idol you are today of course" I asked as I interwined my fingers together placing my hands beneath my chin eyes fixed on the man before me .

" Well I have had a lot of girls tell me they love me and such but it never went that far , the most I've done to those girls is thank them" he said shrugging.

" Well does that mean you have someone in mind , I mean I've seen Oceans of women and girls running after you , how come you never gained interest in any of them " I asked raising a brow .

" well back then i was just  fully concentrating on my career but now  I actually am interested in someone " he said mimicking my pose.

" Ooooh , and what are you waiting for , she probably is in love with you like the  others " I replied.

" No, I don't think so , yet that is " he said giving me a kinda weird look " that's enough with this topic, let's talk about something else " Axle said Leaning backwards in his chair.

" Okay okay , don't like speaking about your love life I see , that's fine though, I don't really like talking about my lovers and stuff , it just feels wired bringing them up in the middle of a conversation " I said shrugging while sipping on my water bottle.

" Oh are you dating someone currently " he asked looking kinda ..........anxious ?

" Ummm, no I still haven't found the person that would keep me beside them for long enough, am the type who gets board quick and can't get attached Easily sooooo ,yeah" I said rubbing the back of my neck. It's true the longest I've been in a relationship was less than a month before I got bored and broke it off , it's really hard to keep me by your side , unless you have something new and entertaining for me everyday then our relationship will most likely not last long that's only if you can get me to like you in the first place. It's not me playing hard to get ,this is just me and how I feel that's all.

Upon hearing that Axle had a bright smile on his face , cute.

WHAT !!!!????

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