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Note: Guess who's moved into her apartment? Woot woot! Ok, few things, first, that was the end of Purple in this story. He's moving on to his next experiment. Second, I am updating this story as much as possible, because it has become one of my goals to FINISH the fanfictions I started. I may not write more Zim after these, but I REFUSE to leave these hanging, I have had that happen to me WAY too many times, and you all deserve much better than that. Next on the list after this is Elyon. I may write one or two oneshots of other movies that popped into my head, but finishing Elyon is my next big project after this. If you haven't read Elyon, don't read it until you've read Ayam or IT WON'T MAKE SENSE.


"Zim?" Dib had managed to carefully lower himself down several levels of circuitry to the alien's location. "Zim?" He coughed, spitting the last of the vomit taste from his mouth as he landed at the bottom. "Where are you? Stupid alien."

He grimaced, holding his side as he hobbled forward, eyes sweeping back and forth for the green-skinned Invader. He finally found him, sprawled at the base of a wall of blue fire. "Zim!"

Darting forward, he grabbed Zim's shoulder, jerking him up in panic. "Zim? Answer me!" He put his hand over the alien's chest, then cursed. He didn't know where the stupid Irken's heart was, he wouldn't be able to feel a pulse even if he tried.

Zim's eyes slid open, slowly. He stared at Dib, a bewildered expression on his face. His mouth opened and closed a few times, as he tried to speak, and finally managed to croak, "You're... I know you..."

Dib groaned. Zim was gone again! Not gone, but not himself. Well, he was himself, but damaged—Dib shook his head. Now was not the time to be arguing with himself! He stared down at Zim helplessly. What was he supposed to do? What brought Zim back last time?

Anger. He had made Zim angry.

"Listen you overgrown bug-eyed insect from Mars!" Dib growled. "I don't know who you think you're kidding, but this is beyond your usual stupidity you piece of—"


Dib's head whipped back as claws raked along his cheek, leaving a trio of scratches along his face.

"Smart, hyuman worm, but it isn't enough."

Dib blinked, turning back to see Zim's face, set with a grim expression. "Not enough? What do you mean?"

"As I brilliantly figured out, and you discovered, anger seems to be the key to reconnecting the parts of my brain that were removed. But it isn't enough to hold the connection longer than a few moments. I am permanently damaged." His voice was cold, controlled. Not at all like his usual rant, and that scared Dib worse than any rage Zim had ever unleashed.

"There has to be a way!" Dib protested. "You can't stay like that!"

"There's nothing!" Zim snapped. "You can't just reconnect neural tissue that has been sliced apart. And now that I've saved your worthless hide there's nothing to keep that organ-hunting parental unit of yours from taking me back to the lab!"

Dib winced. He knew Zim was right. He gathered that his father had pieced Zim's mind back together and unleashed him with the purpose of helping his son, but with Dib recovered, nothing would stop Membrane from reclaiming Zim as a lab rat.

Claws gripped his wounded shoulders, and he yelped as they dug at his gashes. Fierce red eyes burned into his. "You have to keep me safe. You have to protect me."

Dib's jaw dropped.

"You have to!" Zim's voice rose in desperation. "You have to keep him from taking me apart anymore! I can't..." His voice cracked. "I can't take it anymore. I'm already in pieces. Dib..." He took a deep breath. "I need your help."

The words echoed in the darkness around them. Dimly, Dib recollected the words as they had been spoken by Zim only weeks before over the communicator. He hadn't been inclined or able to do anything. This time...

"P...please." Zim grated the word out. "I left your PAK abilities intact. The override and personality program are disabled, but all functions have been left untouched. You have the ability to protect me." His eyes shone with fear. "You have to use it for the times when I cannot protect myself."

Dib could hear the strain in Zim's voice, could almost see the Invader slipping back into his helpless personality, but fighting it. Reaching out, he took Zim's claws in his own hand, wrapping all five, rounded digits around Zim's three claws, and shook his hand.

"You can count on me, soldier." Dib said, soberly.

Relief swept over Zim's face, as the Invader relinquished the strenuous hold on his mind. Zim's eyes lost their glare, and stared up at Dib in trepidation.

"I know you..." Zim whispered, troubled.

Dib reached out, carefully, and gently patted Zim's head. "Yes, you know me. My name is Dib. Yours is Zim."

"Zim," the alien rolled the word around in his mouth, as if trying it on. "I like it. Zim. We should tell the man... he needs to know my name."

"Yes," Dib sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Yes, he does."

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