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Word Count: 1823


Today, my father has invited Caspian over.

It took a lot to get Ark to back off and give us some time to ourselves for a walk by the river.

Ark was not impressed.

First he insisted Caspian wasn't capable of protecting me if someone attacked while we were on the border of the estate. Then he shifted his argument to saying Caspian cannot be trusted to be kind to me if he decides to make a move.

Regardless, he hasn't gotten his way, and has remained at the manor while Caspian and I walk together.

"You intrigue me, Kiva," he says after a few minutes of silence.

My head turns. "Really? Why?"

"I've met many Princesses, and yet none are like you." He keeps his hands politely clasped behind his back, although I get the feeling he is itching to hold my hand.

I refrain from giggling. That feels like what most men say when seducing a woman.

"Is this because I tried to draw you into my bed upon meeting you?" I ask. It's easy to joke about it. If I don't, I'll be raked with embarrassment.

Caspian laughs, looking off at the distance.

"That was definitely different," he notes. "I mean, you are so sure of yourself, of who you are. I admire that."

"It's funny you say that, but some days I barely know who I am or who I should be," I admit with a sigh.

Caspian won't want to hear about my mate, nor would he want to hear about my desire to escape this life. I wish I could be content with royalty as he is.

"I know who you are," he murmurs softly, tilting his head to look down at me. The way he looks at me...it's as if he isn't sure what he thinks of me, even if his words say otherwise.

I eye him suspiciously. "You do?"

Part of me suspects he's going to tell me that he knows I'm a liar, that I have a mate who is a part of the rebellion that is trying to hurt me.

Instead, his eyes soften. "Yes. You're the woman I want to marry."

I blink, the information taking a moment to settle in my overwhelmed mind.

He sinks to one knee, reaching into his back pocket to reveal a small box. He flips it open, and sitting there is a ring with a beautiful diamond atop it.

My mouth dries. I figured this was why he was so insistent on us coming out here alone, although I'm still stunned regardless.

"Caspian..." I breathe out, unable to find words.

"It's soon, I know, but I'll keep you safe at my estate. We can start our lives now, get to know each other," he assures me gently, cheeks flushed bright pink, and not just because of the bitter cold.

I know I have to say yes. This is what I've been anticipating the moment I met him, and now, I have to make the final decision on what happens.

This should be a happy moment. Instead, a dark, haunting feeling gathers in the pit of my stomach.

"Wow. Ah, okay..."

He frowns a little. "Is that a yes?"

"Yes. I'll marry you," I affirm quickly. If I hesitate, I'll think about all the reasons this is a terrible idea. I'll even consider Ark's offer to take me far away from here for a new life, and I'll say no.

The Princess's Guard ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang