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Jisung had slept in quite late, taking advantage of their rare day off, but as soon as he opened his bedroom door to go and grab a late breakfast, he froze. A bitter scent hung in the air, obviously alpha but it smelled really intimidating and negative, so the rapper barely dared to leave his room. Jisung thought that it might have some faint similarities to Chan's scent but considering the oldest was the most patient alpha he knew and rarely ever got angry, this was certainly a first. Sure, he had witnessed the Aussie stressed, upset and frustrated before but never to this extend. Closing the door as quietly as he could, Jisung sat back down on his bed and pulled out his phone to text Changbin. A few moments after he had sent the text, there was the lightest of knocks at his bedroom door before the older rapper slipped into the room. "Good morning", Changbin smiled, taking a seat next to his dongsaeng, "You don't have to hide. Chan-hyung is in his room." – "Do you know what's up with him? He smells scary", Jisung frowned, shuddering. The other just shrugged, admitting: "I only saw him for a few minutes this morning, when I ate breakfast. He was a little grumpy and only gave me a curt nod. We didn't exchange a single word. It was weird."

Weird was an understatement. This was not the Chan either of them knew, the calm and collected leader, who'd always put on a smile in order to reassure his dongsaengs, no matter how tired he was. All they knew was that the alpha smelled very... wrong. Hyunjin apparently had come to the same conclusion, fleeing to the other dorm to have breakfast with the rest of the group and to avoid the odd situation at his own dorm. None of them had any idea, how bad of a night their pack-alpha had had. Chan had already been nursing a headache throughout the previous day but it hadn't been much more than a nuisance and the thought of sleeping in on their day off had helped him power through the day. When the alpha finally shut off his computer though, he had to realize that it was already far later than he had thought. Not like he would've been able to leave earlier, needing to finish editing the track he had been working on but he wanted his bed even more now. Pressing the balls of his hands into his eyes, Chan scrubbed at them to try and force them to stay open long enough to get back to his dorm. The rest of the pack was already fast asleep when Chan clumsily kicked off his shoes and stumbled to his room, collapsing on his bed without even bothering to change his clothes. Now that his task of getting home was completed, he was out instantly.

Maybe Chan should've changed his clothes, he realized when he woke up barely an hour later, disoriented and incredibly sore. His head felt so heavy he struggled to lift it off the mattress but the waistband of his jeans dug uncomfortably into his tummy, making the alpha groan in discomfort. For a few minutes he just lay there, contemplating what was worse, moving or staying in his uncomfortable clothes. He eventually had to accept that he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep if he didn't put on something comfy, so huffing in frustration, Chan forced himself up against the heaviness weighing him down. The alpha's limbs were leaden and his head pounded, making him question his decision to get up. Stumbling dizzily, Chan caught himself on the handle of his closet door and grabbed a pair of sweatpants. Already drained, he plopped down on the edge of his bed and sluggishly pulled off his jeans, replacing them with the sweatpants before crawling under the blanket and going right back to sleep.

The next time the leader woke up, his head pounded mercilessly, making him groan. Massaging his temples, Chan sat up and glanced at the clock. It was still pretty early and considering how late he had gone to bed, there was no way he'd get up this early on a day off. Figuring he might catch a few more hours of sleep if he took some painkillers, the Aussie dragged himself out of bed again. The way to the bathroom seemed endless but he managed and also collected a water bottle and protein bar from the kitchen. His stomach already felt funny and he didn't want to cause himself more pain than necessary by taking the pills on an empty stomach. As Chan sat down on his bed again, he had to take a moment to breathe. He had started to feel a little lightheaded on his way back to his room and was waiting for the sensation to disappear. Clumsily fiddling with the protein bar, he eventually managed to rip open the packaging and despite having close to no appetite, he forced himself to take a big bite. The faster he ate, the faster it'd be over. When Chan tried to swallow the sticky substance, he choked, a sharp pain scraping his throat as he coughed. His hand trembled and he barely managed to uncap the water bottle but was eventually able to rinse down his protein bar. No, he had no desire to finish the rest of the bar, eyeing it in distaste before placing it on his bedside table. His throat still stung as he downed his pills and laid back down.

Despite his best efforts, Chan didn't manage to go back to sleep and just lay there, taking in the mess that was his body. By now, he was pretty sure that he was running a fever. At least, that would explain the headache, dizziness and muscle aches. The Aussie couldn't help but grow upset. They had a day off and he had made plans to spend it with his group. With how busy all of them had been, they had only seen each other while working but he hadn't had any opportunity to give his dongsaengs the snuggles they usually craved. Chan couldn't even remember when he had last scented his omegas, feeling like the worst pack-alpha for neglecting his mates like that. A low growl rumbled in the alpha's chest, making him cough. Weakly propping himself up on his elbow, he tried to catch his breath and winced. His throat burned and his head pounded when he sat up to have a few sips of water.

Chan set the water bottle back down with a little more force than would've been necessary but he wasn't only upset anymore, he was downright mad. How could his body betray him like this when he just wanted to spend a nice and cozy day looking after his pack members and catching up on quality time with the boys? Now, while the others would most likely end up in a huge cuddlepile in one of the living rooms to catch up on comfortable pack-time, Chan would have to keep his distance, if he didn't want to get any of his dongsaengs sick. The longer the alpha lay there, stewing in his frustration, the angrier he became. Realizing his mood would only keep getting worse if he allowed himself to dwell on his thoughts, Chan sighed and got out of bed. He wasn't hungry but maybe he could make himself some tea. It might help his throat some and even if it didn't, he'd have a task to focus on for a little while.

After accomplishing his mission of making tea, Chan turned to find Changbin grabbing himself breakfast. With his throat still on fire, the older decided against using his voice and only nodded as a greeting before taking his tea and fleeing back to his room. He couldn't have his friend see him drink tea because it would immediately give away that something wasn't right. Chan didn't even know why he was trying to hide how bad he felt. He'd have to tell his group eventually, otherwise they'd get too close and too touchy and end up catching whatever he had managed to come down with or they'd feel hurt by him avoiding their company, which would be just as bad. As the leader waited for his tea to cool to drinking temperature, he allowed a few silent tears to fall, not realizing how that zapped even more energy from him. Before he could even have a single sip of his tea, he had cried himself to sleep.

Changbin had finally managed to coax Jisung out of his room and convinced the younger omega to have breakfast. While Jisung still felt a little intimidated, Changbin was mainly worried. Chan didn't smell right in the slightest and his behavior this morning was odd too, the rapper knew he should check on his hyung. First, he'd keep Jisung company though. He could tell the younger still felt on edge and he could totally understand why, the tension still thick in the air. Before Jisung had finished his breakfast though, their front door opened quietly. Changbin and Jisung both watched curiously as Felix slowly peeked into their dorm, frowning: "Hyunjin was right, it smells scary here." – "Good morning, Lixxie", Changbin chuckled opening his arms for his dongsaeng. The dancer smiled, running up to his hyung to get his good-morning-hug. "Is everything alright with Channie-hyung?", the Aussie asked carefully, sniffing the air again. While Jisung anxiously chewed on his bottom lip, wondering the same thing, Changbin offered: "If you keep Sungie company, so he doesn't have to eat alone, I'll go and check on him." – "Aren't you scared?", Jisung worried, studying his hyung. The older shook his head, humming: "It's Chan. He's not scary and he has never given us any reason to be scared of him, hm? He's probably just upset about something, so I'll go and see if it's something we can fix and if not, we'll just give him lots of hugs till he's not upset anymore." – "Hugs make everything better", Felix agreed, taking a seat next to Jisung, while Changbin got up to check on their pack-alpha. 

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