'Some words should be left unspoken.'

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"You have not loved me for the past 17 years."

Shaira's words ranged in Alkov's head like a broken record. The harsh truth he had been avoiding for a very long time. How could they ask for her attention when they had not even noticed her before? He does not love her, but his brothers did. At least that's what he had been convincing himself.

"The circumstances in which you were born were unfortunate." Alkov paused glancing at Shaira. "Imagine watching your mother in a pool of blood. I was not ready to lose my mother so suddenly. I was angry, hurt and sad."

"That is not an excuse." Shaira eyes blazed with anger. "I was a newborn, Alkov."

"I know. I resented you for snatching my mom. As childish as it sounds but for 10-year-old who loved her mom, you were not only a pretty child anymore." Alkov said his eyes brimming with sadness.

"Do you think I don't know that?" Shiara eyes moisten. "Do you think I did not understand that I-" Her throat clogged with emotions. "I ruined this family. I ruined everything. That's why I want to go. I wanted to be free from this self-guilt raging in me for years. Before I hated anyone else, I hated myself Alkov. You guys have each other but whom did I had to turn to?" Shiara said inching close to Alkov. Standing face to face with him.

"I was alone because of you all and now when I am finding my happiness in others. You want to detain me." Shaira said her eyes red with tears and anger.

Alkov could not said anything. Shaira was right. Who was he to detain her. Who was he to ask any questions to her. Who was he to establish any right on her?

When Shaira did not get any answer from him. She continued.

"If you can't answer my questions, you should not question me too. As far as Sebestian is concerned. He is not some new money finding his way through me. He is anything but that. Trust me, I could judge people better than you." Shaira said as she walk out from there.

The storm inside her was calmed down now but not for long.

Shaira sighed as she nestled in her bed. Her anger had subsided down a little bit. She don't know why but she felt relieved after venting out the pent frustation she had. She knew she will learn the truth sooner or later but her heart was at ease. At least she showed courage to say what she wants.

She massaged her head impending a coming headache. She was healthy enough to discharge from hospital but not for all the drama she had endured  today. She would very well talk to Sebestian about all the bullshit she had spewed today but not now.

She just wanted to sleep and rest. She sighed as she lazily open her  small bag for the medicines she needed to take befor sleep.  Her eyes furrowed as he did not find anything in the bag.  Her search abruptly stopped as she remembered Ezra paying the bill and collecting medicine.

Please not now.

Her mind wandered. She really do not want to face another venedestine today.

"I thought you are searching something." 

Shaira head snapped towards the door of her room.

"At least you should knock before you peak in a girl's room." Shaira said.

Ezra eyes twinkled as he knocked the door twice making Shaira to take a look at the door again. Ezra was quietly looking at her silently asking her permission to come inside.

Shaira sighed and nodded her head up and down as an answer. She was still searching for her medicines in her backpack. Her vision was blurred when suddenly a packet of medicine was brought towards her face. 

Drowning In The Dark (Broken Heirs #1)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα