Clumsy Cook (NJ)

541 11 9

Sick person : Namjoon
Caretaker : Seokjin

(Namjoon gives himself food poisoning and Seokjin looks after him)

3rd person POV

"Hey Joon, how are you feeling? Has that bothersome tummy of yours gotten better?" Seokjin asks the lump on the bed, which is their leader. Namjoon had previously told him that he had a stomach ache and was going to lie down for a while. That was about 3 hours ago, so Seokjin is back to check up on him. The oldest was a little surprised to see him awake when he walked in but hoped that meant he was feeling better.

"Hyung...?" Namjoon doesn't know if that was meant to be a question, but all he knows is that he feels like absolute shit. And it's all his fault. He definitely undercooked the chicken during his attempt to make himself food. (In his defense, everyone else was out of the dorm. What was he meant to do? Starve?). Seokjin furrows his eyebrows, walking closer to the lump.

He saw Namjoon's pale face and messy hair. Seokjin reached a hand out to the latter's forehead and checked for a fever. It's definitely a little warm, but what's more concerning is the fact that Namjoon has almost zero colour on his face. "Aw, Joonie, you might be getting sick. You look really pale too. Are you feeling okay?" Seokjin cups the leader's cheek, stroking gently with his thumb.

Namjoon melts into his touch, "I feel like throwing up, hyung.." Namjoon places a hand over his still-sore stomach. As if proving his point, his stomach gurgles, and a wet burp is forced up, making Namjoon cover his mouth with a shaky fist. "Shit, come on." Seokjin helps the leader sit up and practically carries him to the bathroom after Namjoon swayed dangerously on his feet.

"Aish, you've got too much muscle–" Seokjin says as he guides Namjoon in front of the toilet—just in time because he's gagging after seeing the toilet water. Seokjin pats Namjoon's back, encouraging him to empty his stomach further. Retches and heaves echo in the bathroom, mind you, Namjoon is not the quietest puker that's for sure.

Seokjin is surprised no one saw the two of them in their frantic race to the bathroom. A vein pops out of Namjoon's neck with the force of throwing up and Seokjin places a hand on the younger's forehead to prevent him from hitting it on the toilet seat. "Remember to breathe Joonie," Seokjin switches from light pats to rubbing small circles between Namjoon's broad shoulders.

The leader catches a small break and sucks in some delicate breaths, his stomach is still unsettled so he tries to rub it with his hand. It only proves to agitate the organ more and Namjoon's break is over when a productive gag surprises him and he scrambles over the toilet bowl. A waterfall of sick escapes the leader's mouth and the sound of liquid hitting liquid is far from pleasant. "On no, you poor thing." Seokjin coos, massaging the nape of Namjoon's neck. Namjoon coughs painfully and spits into the murky water, trying to rid of the acidic taste in his mouth.

"God hyung—" Namjoon says, resting his forehead against the lip of the toilet seat, ignoring how unhygienic it is. Sweat is dripping down Namjoon's neck as if he'd just finished a long workout session and he scoots away from the toilet to lean against the wall. Seokjin wipes Namjoon's mouth with some toilet paper and flushes.

Seokjin wets a small towel and wipes the sweat off Namjoon's forehead and drapes it at the back of his neck. Namjoon can feel his stomach betraying him, clenching the muscles in painful cramps and audibly showing how upset it still is. If only he'd ordered in rather than attempting to cook for himself. Namjoon tilts his head back and swallows hard, a burp coming up to bite him in the ass.

Seokjin eyes him worriedly, from the sound of it Namjoon's not far off from vomiting again. On cue, the younger's stomach makes a horrible churning sound and he tries to aim for the toilet but—bless him—Namjoon misses by a few centimetres and pukes beside the toilet instead of inside the toilet. Namjoon's clumsiness always finds its way into situations somehow.

"S-sorry, hyung—didn't mean to-" Namjoon's shoulders roll forwards with a heave and he can't seem to catch a breath between waves of sick. "Don't worry, Namjoon-ah, hyung will clean it." Seokjin dismisses any apologies with pats on the back or more reassuring phrases.

"I'm sorry, hyung, I should clean it. I made the mess anyways."

"Stop it Namjoon, hyung will do it." Seokjin is in the middle of cleaning said mess and Namjoon is sitting not far away, this time with a bucket next to him, looking guilty watching the oldest. After wiping everything up and disinfecting almost the entire bathroom, Seokjin deems the place clean and helps Namjoon back to bed.

"Feeling any better, Joonie?" Seokjin insisted that he stays with the leader and is lying next to him, combing his fingers through Namjoon's hair. "Not really.. but I do know why I'm sick," Namjoon says, his large hand hasn't left his tummy since the two of them got in bed. "Hm? Did you catch a bug?" Seokjin peers over at the younger."

"No.. I, I tried to make myself food, but I think I undercooked the chicken.... sorry, hyung." Namjoon is embarrassed to admit it, but Seokjin isn't really surprised. "Ah Namjoonie, of course. Next time call hyung and I will cook for you." Seokjin smiles and enlights a dimpled smile from the leader. He always found it endearing when the oldest would refer to himself in third person as 'hyung'. (I mean, who doesn't?)

Thanks for reading and sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes!

Ahh, I hope Namjoon isn't this bad of a cook irl... poor Namjoon

Hoseok is next!!! With caretaker Yoongi!! Sope cures me of all my problems tbh

Word count : 1010

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