16 | Roller Skates and Disco Lights

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There was an event being held at Sk8rWorld—a dance party with a DJ and everything. The rink was lit up all around with colorful disco lights, and loud retro music blared from wall-mounted speakers.

"Woah!" Everett unsteadily pulled himself up to his feet, "These are more rolly than I thought."

"The roller skates?" I grinned. "Yes, that must be very unexpected."

He glared at me. "It's harder than you think, Clementine. I'd like to see you try."

I stood up and easily skated a small distance forward before doing a half-spin to face him.

His eyes widened as he gasped. "You didn't tell me you were a total rollerskating pro!"

"I'm hardly a professional. You've just gotta center your weight," I advised. "Come on."

Everett clutched the bars lining the edge of the rink with both hands, slowly straightening himself out. He moved forward inch by inch, still holding on to the bar for dear life.

"Just come to the center Everett, I'll help you out."

He looked a little pale. "No this was a bad idea; I really can't skate."

"Why would you suggest a skating rink if you can't skate?"

"I don't know!" he wailed, "I thought you'd be worse at it than me!"

I laughed, pulling one of his hands away from the bar. He gripped my hand so tight that his knuckles went white and my heart started beating at double time.

"Give me your other hand," I said.

He hesitated but then shakily moved away from the wall, staring at his feet the whole time. "I swear Clementine, if you drop me...."

"I won't drop you." I momentarily detangled one hand to tilt his chin up. "Hey, don't look down."

Everett lifted starry eyes to meet mine. The disco lights danced across his face in neon streaks of blue, pink, and green, lighting up his hair in flashes of colour. I caught my breath as his pupils sparkled in a million wavelengths of reflected light.

"You feeling okay, Clementine?" he murmured softly, "You're looking a little red."

"It's just allergies," I managed to get out, my cheeks heating up even further at his soft, sweet voice.

"I'm starting to think that you're just allergic to me."

My jaw dropped as I tried to stammer out a reply. "I'm not-it's not—"

He smiled and the world came to a stand still. My heart slammed so hard against my ribcage that I was sure he heard it too. His fingers interlocked with mine as he searched my face, midnight eyes glittering with a billion stars.

The lights dimmed to a soft amber glow, casting long shadows on the ground. The music slowed to a seductive pace and a lilting voice filled the air. I recognized the dulcet tones of a romantic love song playing through the speakers. From the corner of my eye, I saw the DJ giving me a thumbs up. He then winked and put on the most shit-eating grin imaginable.

I cursed the man from the bottom of my heart.

Everett's eyelids were half shut, his pupils dilated as he gazed at me, but he still didn't make a move. My other hand was still cupping his face. It would have been so easy to just lean in right then and kiss him.

I could brush my thumb against his cheek and tilt my head closer. I could wrap an arm around him, pulling him in. I could let my hands get tangled in his curly hair, twisting my fingers through the silky locks till they were beautifully wrapped. A million scenarios whizzed through my mind till I was dizzy enough to feel drunk.

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