Rain on their mind

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The weekend went over way too quickly. But thanks to his phi, Rain feels a bit more confident again. Phayu had been taking so good care of him in every sense of the word that he was able to push all doubts to the deepest, darkest part of his mind. That doesn't mean he isn't dreading going back to school. Danaisak had properly scared him last time. The panic attack he had caused had been no picnic either and he just knows that his friends, or at least Sky, will be asking about it again. He is certain that his best friend will want to know if he had spoken to Phayu about it. When that moment comes he will just have to lie, again...

As he gets to school, Sky is waiting for him at the entrance. He can feel his friend's eyes on him like he's already trying to get all the answers to his questions before they're even asked. It makes Rain feel nervous but he tries his best to act as normal as possible.

"Good morning, Rain!" Sky greets him.

"Good morning, Sky!" He replies enthusiastically.

His friend raises an eyebrow and crosses his arms in front of his chest. A sigh escapes his lips as he softly shakes his head. He's looking right through Rain's little charade but the boy just keeps up appearances and smiles innocently.

"You seem way better today." Sky remarks. "I take it you talked to P-Phayu?"

'Just as I expected.' Rain thought. He had prepared himself for this.
His smile widens and he nods animatedly.

"I did! He was worried at first, of course. But I told him I was fine and that you helped me understand the assignment better so I was feeling less stressed. He was still not very happy that it had come this far but he was so sweet! He helped me as well and now I feel way better! See?"

Half a lie, half a truth. He ignores the fact that his friend does not look entirely convinced but leaves it at that. He already knows it's best not to say more, remembering from experience that the more he says, the easier it is for others to spot the dishonesty.

"Alright." Sky says with a resigned sigh. "At least you told him. Let's get to class."

He turns around and walks into the building. Rain lets out a relieved breath and follows after him, keeping a spring in his step. He enthusiastically talks about the amazing weekend he had with his marvelous boyfriend. Sky reluctantly listens to his friend's tales about the mighty P-Phayu and how well he takes care of him. The boy really shares too much information. But on the other hand he's glad to see this bit of normality again. He'd take this side of his best friend over the one he'd seen for the past week any day.

During class, Rain can feel Danaisak's eyes on him. It's very unnerving but he tries to ignore it and focus on the lesson. Yet his mind jumps from one thing to another and before he knows it he's entirely lost and deaf to what the teacher is saying.
He jumps slightly at a sudden touch to his arm and turns to the side to see Sky's concerned expression.

"I'm sorry." He apologizes, knowing all too well what an unexpected touch can do. He's just not used to seeing such a familiar reaction coming from Rain. "Class is over." He adds.

Rain looks around to see most of the students have already packed up and left the room. His friends are hanging back as if waiting for him.

"We have a free period now. Want to go to the cafeteria?" Ple asks.

"Good idea, sister!" Sig exclaims, throwing an arm around her shoulders. "Your treat?"

"Don't be ridiculous." Por says with an exasperated sigh as he pulls his friend away from the girl. "Don't mind this dork." He says as a way to apologize.

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