Chapter 8- Daddy?...

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Severus audibly sighed as the small child in his arms began to thrash and wail for the 4th time that day, now he had to go on an extremely important business trip, and he knew he couldn't take Harry, it was for too dangerous for even teenagers, let alone a toddler, he took a breath and looked down at his son with a worried expression. "Baby boy, I know your upset daddy has to go but Draco is very excited to look after you, cmon can you be a big brave boy for daddy?" He sighed, having not even left the house yet , Harry's bag packed and ready by the door.

Harry shook his head and practically screamed, kicking and loudly bawling, his hands dug tightly into his fathers robes, he didn't want him to leave, he had never been so far away from his daddy before, it scared him deeply, last time he had slipped away from him, he ended up with a severe panic attack and being sick all over himself, though he had already been sick multiple times last night and this morning from the nerves, he was so afraid that his father would simply drop him off and never come back, he had no idea of how he would cope if that happened, he was barely coping with the idea of leaving him, his eyes widening as he began to almost hyperventilate, trying to find the nearest thing to be sick in, though he hadn't enough time, only managing to be sick on the floor and over himself, for the 2nd time that morning. He looked up at Severus and hiccuped. "I-I sowy...p-pease nu spanks.." he cried even harder, he was genuinely so terrified of what could happen. What if he had a bad tummy ache? Daddy wouldn't be there to rub his tummy and pat his bum and make him bottles, what if he had an accident? He sure as hell wouldn't tell Draco unless his life depended on it, he knew he was about to get a lot of rashes. He wouldn't even be able to have a bath, now baths were one of his favourite parts of the day, but he could not let Draco see him naked and vulnerable, he wouldn't have his daddy or his wand to protect him, though he hadn't seen his wand in months thinking about it, he knew he had heard the house elf put it somewhere.
As his father got up to get something to clean up the sick on the once clean wooden floorboards he swiftly asked the house to get his wand, as it was given to him he hid it in his bag, still all sniffly from how he had been sick, he just wanted something to protect himself.

Severus softly sighed as he caressed his sons face ever so gently. "It's okay honey, I'm not mad I promise, you need to tell daddy when you think your gonna be sick though okay? Cmon, let's go get you cleaned up and changed."
Harry nodded and silently complied, holding onto his fathers hand as he was taken to the bathroom, his clothes were taken off and he was cleaned down by baby wipes, laying on the changing mat too after he was instructed, whimpered as the cold air hit him.
Severus sighed audibly. "Oh Harry, this stress is giving you tummy troubles huh, oh my poor sweet prince. I'll tell Draco to check your nappy more often , would you like me to give him some potions? He can use them to help you feel better." He frowned and ever so gently cleaned him up, though he truly was very very worried about his son, he knew he didn't get stressed easily and knew this was affecting him, but he couldn't always be with his son, He even had to go back to work soon. Though he was genuinely worried about his sons stomach issues, cleaning him up and just sitting on the floor, laying the boy in his arms, wearing nothing but a nappy.

Harry just cried even harder at this, bawling and shaking, just so terrified about his father leaving him, forever. "Daddy p-please!!! I-I be good i be good pease dun leav me!" He hiccuped, his eyes puffy and very bloodshot.
Severus frowned, gently clothing his son as he held onto him, the last thing he really wanted to do was let his son go, he could barely manage leaving him he to use the toilet. "Harry, my love, I promise
You I am not leaving you, your Going to stay with Draco for 2 days and daddy will be back I promise you. Daddy will never, ever, ever leave you." He gave him a small comforting smile. "How about you take something of mine sweetie, will that make you feel any better?"

Harry whimpered and slowly nodded, sniffling as he slowly picked his fathers favourite pair of Pajama's, they matched with his babygrow, he loved it so much , just from how strong the scent was and how it just soothed him in almost an instant.
"Shhh baby boy, your okay....I promise you, you will be just fine Harry, Draco will take care of you and you will be able to reach me by owl whenever you need okay?"
The small boy hiccuped and slowly nodded, rubbing his teary eyes as he cuddled up closely with him. "O-Okay daddy.."
Severus took a shaky breath as he gently handed Harry to Draco, kissing his sons head gently. "Be good for Draco okay baby boy? You can reach daddy over owl if you need me that badly alright? You have my Pajamas, you have enough nappies, bottles, formula and clothes, you have milo and your blankie , you have everything you need dove. I need you to be a brave little one for me now okay?" He gave him a smile, though he was holding back tears himself, kissing his son goodbye.
Harry just sobbed out and hiccuped, clung incredibly tightly to milo and his blankie, he knew he couldn't stop his daddy leaving anymore, so he just sniffled and curled up in dracos arms, he couldn't deny that it wasn't comforting at all. He slipped his dummy into his mouth and gave his daddy one last hug as he left, looking up at Draco with teary eyes.

Draco frowned down at the child, wiping his little eyes. "Oh buddy your really upset about your daddy leaving huh, well, howbabout we cheer you up hm! I have a wonderful cookie recipe, though I only need someone to help me bake wonder who can help me.."
The small ravenette looked up with a soft shy smile. "Me! I-I is a good hewper! Daddy says so, i is good at tastin da stuff, my daddy is a good cook." He giggled and let out a soft shriek of excitement. He began to happily swing his legs as he was lifted onto the counter, happily taking the powdered cookie mixture, he poked his tongue out a little as focused on pouring it into the bowl, looking up as Draco ruffled his hair.
Malfoy smiled warmly and hummed as he ran the boys ravenette hair through his hands. "Good job little guy! You did so good! Now, I need you to pour the milk in and then that makes the cookie dough! I'm sure your a wonderful taste tester , I'll even let you have a small handful of cookie dough."
The small boy nodded rapidly and quickly, now as long as he was distracted he didn't seem to be upset anymore, he very slowly poured in the milk and giggled softly at the praise he was given. He happily watched the blonde mix the Dough, squeaking eagerly as he was given a small amount to try, he happily held it to his lips and took a small bite, eyes lighting up with excitement, flapping his hands around as he stunned, though what he hadn't noticed or heard was the clacks of someone's shoes coming up the hallway.

He looked up noticing Draco's smile had faded, causing him to whimper, though by now he had locked eye contact with the man, Lucius Malfoy stood in the middle of the kitchen, he now looked down in shame, instantly embarrassed.
Lucius turned his nose up at the boy, a cruel smirk sat on his lips. "Oh , wow. This is the first time I've seen you since the rumour potter, it really is true huh. Jesus you look absolutely pathetic, when Draco told me he was babysitting, well. I just couldn't quite believe it, and that Severus is your caregiver? He is a cruel evil deatheater, now, I have changed. He will never change, I believe it is nothing but a matter of time until he finds a way to sacrifice you to his dark lord."
Harry looked down and just began to cry, trying to silence them as best he could, the stress and how upset it made him, he used his nappy, looking down in absolute shame.

Draco frowned and picked up the small boy, rubbing his back. " stop it your upsetting him, it isn't his fault...and I think professor snape is a good caregiver for Harry, he treats him really well..."
Lucius walked over, grabbing dracos wrist and practically lashing his arm with hie walking stick, doing the same for Harry. "I will not have any crying in this house, if you continue to misbehave it'll be a spanking with my cane, for the both of you. Understand? Behave." He spoke, having raised his voice incredibly loudly, walking off and grumbling  after slapping the back of his sons head, his heels clacking on the floor as he walked away.

Harry just began to shake, rubbing his hands as they blistered, starting to cry and panic and shake, his hands over his ears now as he wailed, crying out for his daddy, not hearing Lucius come back again. He began to scream as he was ripped out of Dracos comforting arms, Lucius held him by the back of his collar like a kittens scruff, he was laid over the older males lap and his nappy was violently ripped off. He let out a fearful cry as he felt the cane strike down on his bare bum, causing him to scream, trying to scramble away.
Lucius rolled his eye and smacked the boy over the head to keep him still, now he was no longer just spanking him, he was beating him all over, covered his entire body in black and blue bruises, while Draco was simply cowering, backed into the corner with his hands over his ears. Now Harry had lost the concept of time of when he had been being beaten, in an attempt to block it out , though he really only just remembered hiding his wand in his bag, managing to reach for it and pulling it out at Lucius.

The blonde raised his brow down at him. "Oh? And what shall you do potter, I doubt you remember even how to hold your wand." He smirked cruelly.
Harry shakily held the wand right to Lucius' face. "S-Stupefy!!" He screamed as loudly as his little voice could, this sent Lucius flying across the room and caused him to hit his head on the marble countertop, blood began to seep all over the floor, Draco had hyperventilated himself into passing out too. He stared at the scene, he didn't know what to do, so he just ran out of the house, screaming as loudly as he could for help, shaking and shivering in fear and pain, barely able to stand up from the pain he was in. As soon as he saw someone run over, he tried to run towards them, though from the pain he was in he just collapsed to the floor, wand in his hand.

Now when Harry woke up, he was laid in a hospital bed, police officers around him, whimpering audibly. "W-Whewe's daddy?..."
One of the officers looked down at the small boy, sighing. "He's in court little buddy."

Aaaaaaa sorry for not updating for a lil bit!!!! Wanted a good chunky chapter for you guys! Please leave some comments! 😅
Tysm for all the support!!

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