1- ......Gavi.

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*Vibrate*Vibrate*Vibrate* I hit my phone to turn off my alarm. I laid there for a second questioning if this was real or if I dreamed of moving away. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. I looked around at my room cluttered with boxes and realized it was real. I covered my eyes with my hands and slumped down. I stayed like this until my mom knocked on the door. "Hi sweetie! I am just coming to say goodbye and to not forget that Skylar has practice at 11. I think it is good she is doing because she can find friends." She said to me from the doorway. "Yep! Love you mom" I responded from my bed.

I groaned again and got out of bed. I walked into the bathroom and did my makeup and hair, hoping it would make me feel better. It kind of did? I then walked to the box that held my clothes and pulled out the first thing. It happened to be a sweatshirt and some biker shorts.

I threw it on and grabbed my phone from the charger before walking downstairs to grab some breakfast

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I threw it on and grabbed my phone from the charger before walking downstairs to grab some breakfast. "Want to leave early and go for a drive around to check out our new home?" I asked the sky to make sure to put air quotes around "new home". She excitedly jumped around shouting "YES". I smiled and put on my shoes as she ran to grab her soccer stuff.

We got into the car and started to drive around. We went through neighborhoods and downtown before going to the beach. We got out and walked a little ways onto the sand. It was summer so everyone was out taking in the sun. I looked over to see that Sjylar loved it and that made me realize that maybe Bareclona wouldn't be that bad. I might even like it. I just have to keep my mind open.

After realizing what time it was, we hopped back into the car and drove to the youth club facility. When we pulled up there was a ton of paparazzi. I looked at Sky confused. "Why are they here?" I asked her. She just shook her head confused too. We cautiously got out and walked into the building. There was a guy that stood up when he saw us. "Are you guys that Andersons?" He asked us. I pulled Sky closer to me because I didn't like this guy's vibe. I nodded and he smiled. "Well, I am Skylar's coach. Your mom told me that you would be dropping her off." He stuck his hand out to me and I shook it.

After the weird interaction, he took Sky back to the training fields with the other kids. He said that I could stay as long as I wanted. I felt weird about everything so I decided to stick around. I was looking around at some trophies when I saw a guy behind me in the reflection of the glass. I jumped back which caused me to fall. I heard him chuckle before he stuck his hand out to help me up. I took his hand and he pulled me up. This was the first time that I got a good look at him and to be honest he was cute. I looked at him for a second while he examined a scrape on my knuckle.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you." He said with a little giggle. I pulled my hand back and he looked up into my eyes. "You're good. I am new to Barcelona. So, I have been on edge." I laughed too. "Really?! Where are you from?" He asked me. I felt some butterflies in my stomach, but tried to push them away because I had a boyfriend. "Madrid. I am actually a Real Madrid fan, but my sister loved the idea of playing for a big club's youth team." I blurted out. He laughed again. "Your sister knows what is up and I can change your mind on Barca. Don't worry." He winked at me which caused me to blush.

"Stop flirting and get your butt down here!!!" The same guy who said he was Sky's coach yelled. I watched as the color drained from the boy's face. He gave me a half-assed smile before running off. He left me standing there smiling like an idiot.


I was sitting, when Sky ran over to me. "Omg that was so much fun" She yelled and dragged me out to the car. We hopped in and started to drive home. She talked my ear off the whole way home about everything that happened. I tried to sound interested, but my mind was on the boy I had met and why there were paparazzi at the training center. I asked Sky about both and she didn't seem to know anything.

When we got home I saw that mom was there too. We walked in and I saw her putting away some groceries. "How was your day?" I asked as I walked in and picked up food to help her. "It was good. I actually got the job!" She responded and I pulled her into a hug. "What about you?" Sha asked me as we pulled away from each other. "Boring. Just sat around the training facility." I turned away from her so she couldn't see the smile that crept onto my face.

1 week later

"Ahhhh!" I yelled as Sky ran across the field to me. "You played so well. You are the new Messi." She laughed and we kept joking around. I was squatting next to her when the sun was blocked from my eyes by a shadow. I looked up to see the boy from last week. I quickly stood up. "This is one of my Coaches," Sky said, breaking the silence that had formed between the two of us.

"Nice to meet you. Again. My name is Pablo Gavi. Just call me Gavi though" He said, sticking his hand out. I took his hand. "Nice to meet you too. My name is Julia, but you can call me Jules." I responded. "Jules. I love that name." He said back to me. I could feel my cheeks heating up. I let go of his hand and he turned to Sky. "Sky, what is your last name?" He asked her so sweetly. "Anderson" she said quickly before running off to a friend she had made. I chuckled confused on why he wanted to know that.

We were going to start talking again, but my mom walked over and started talking to me. I just followed because I was replaying that interaction in my head again to make sure I didn't say anything dumb.

When we got home, I ran upstairs and flung myself on my bed. There were a thousand things I could be thinking about, but my mind was only on one.....Gavi.

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