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chapter seventeen ~ Beast Ben

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chapter seventeen ~ Beast Ben

"You know my dad said that his dad did not handle pain well at all" Gil said which made Ben growl at him.

Now she really thought about it Gils father, Gaston was the villain in Ben parents's story. Similair to how Harry's dad was the villain in her own parent's story. It was a small world after all.

"you're good with animals do something" Jay said to Carlos who looked like going anywhere near Ben at that moment was the last thing he wanted to do.

"i'll do it, my mother taught me how to take care of little splinters this can't be much different" Philomena said bravely, taking small slow steps towards Ben.

She was stopped when a hand wrapped around her arm and pulled her back into a firm chest.

"No, he might attack you" Harry leant down to put his mouth close to her ear though everyone could hear him speak.

"I'll be fine" She said firmly. Phina was determined to help her cursed friend now and barely anything could stop her. Harry clenched his jaw but let her go.

She flinched when Ben snarled at her but continued her slow and steady steps towards him.

"Hey Ben, Its me Phina. You remember me right? i mean i'm quite hard to forget-" Ben swiped a claw at her but she ducked just in time to doge his attack.

Harry moved to get her to come back but Jay held onto his arm to try and hold him back. The pirate shrugged Jays arm off of him but stayed in place watching the girl continue to approach the unpredictable beast.

"I just want to help you Ben. Let me see your hand come on" Her voice was soft as she spoke to Ben who looked down at his hand and then slowly held it out in front of him so that Phina could take a look. Just as she had guessed a large piece of wood stuck out of his palm and she was going to have to try and take it out without losing her head in the process.

"on the count of three okay?" She took ahold of the splinter of wood "one, two-"

She pulled it out and took a few steps away from the king as he roared loudly but then dropped to his knee to recover from the pain.

"There we go! All better" Phina smiled but the beast only growled.

Suddenly, a stream of water hit the beast in the face. Phina followed the stream to see Jane holding onto a pipe and aiming it at Ben who was slowly transforming back into himself. Jane was soaked too, her hair dripping and her dress ruined but she didn't seem to care, to busy spraying Ben.

Once she was done and Ben was fully human again Carlos ran over to his girlfriend to give her a hug and the pair spoke quickly to one and other. Phina made sure Ben was okay but when Jay came to Bens side too she walked over to Harry and Gil.

"I thought you were a goner" Gil laughed and she agreed.

Harry scanned his eyes over her to check for cuts or bruises that Ben may have caused though he knew she was fine as he had carefully watched their whole interaction.

"We'll done" he nodded but then turned his face away from her. She looked at him in confusion and went to stand in front of where he was looking.

"What's wrong?"

"nothing" He tried to look away from her again but she moved in front of him again. She said nothing but looked at him with questioning eyes which caused him to sigh and give in.

"ye scared me a bit there love, that's all"

"i had to help Ben, I thought you would've liked to see me get attacked by a beast"

Harry raised his brows and chuckled. "Nah, i told you. I changed my mind"

The pair of them began to walk after Jay who was supporting a very weak Ben.

"And what made you change your mind?" Phina asked. Her curiosity was obvious in her tone and by the way she looked at him. Harry looked away.

"I don't know" He said quietly. Gods he'd never had a serious conversation with anyone in his life. why was this so difficult?

Jay sat Ben down on a fallen tree and the king laughed awkwardly.

"oh, that was uh funky"

"it was" Jay agreed "oh there's uh" Jay gestured to Bens new beard and fangs which the king reached up to feel.

"oh wow"

"you need another blast" Jane concluded and turned the hose back on to spray Ben in the face with the water. Noticing it wasn't doing anything Jane turned off the stream of water.

"huh its enchanted lake water. i guess it can only do so much" she told her friends and the pirates.

Ben looked at all of his friends and then Phina noticed him looking just above Phinas head to where Harry stood. His eyes widened suddenly, having been wordlessly threatened by the pirate, he looked straight to Phina who smiled softly. They were such s a stark contrast to each other the king mused.

"Oh Phina thank you for helping me out back there" Ben said to the girl sincerely. He turned his attention back to Harry and then to Gil.

"Hold on. Whose side are they on?" he asked and Jay slapped him on the shoulder and caught the king up on what was happening

"They escaped and joined us. And Mal has the ember which is our only hope to stop audrey...Details to follow"

"Hades' ember? Has Mal gone back to the isle?" Ben had so many questions.

"I said details to follow, We're meeting up with Mal, Evie and Uma let's go" Jay said.

"Uma?!" Ben couldn't believe what he had missed in such a short space of time.

"Details to follow!" Everyone shouted at Ben

"I-" Bens words were cut off when Jay spun him around by his shoulders and began to push him onwards so that they could go and meet with the girls.

The group of teens walked on but Harry stayed behind to talk to Jay and Phina continued to stand near Harry. The pirate cleared his throat which caught jays attention.

"Hey jay uh... Yeah, thanks for saving me gorgeous face" Phina giggled at Harry's flirting but Jay only rolled his eyes and tapped him on the back with an amused smile.

Harry looked down at Phina who he had heard giggle at his teasing and he grinned. For some reason he liked to make her laugh, and that scared him.

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