chapter 14: family day

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McKenna pov

That night Mal had us all meet in Jay and Carlos room to go over the plan for when would still the wand during Ben's coronation.

Me and Carlos were a bit hesitant to go though with this plan since we both grew to like it here but we went though with it because we knew if the others succeeded without us then it wouldn't end well for us

Okay, we all know what this looks like. So it'll be up on the dais under the beast's spell jar, and we'll be coming in from here. McKenna will be in the very front. The rest of us will be up in the balcony. Okay. Carlos? Mal said

Okay, so I'll find our limo, so we can break the barrier, and, uh, get back on the island with the wand. Carlos said

Perfect. Evie? Mal said as Evie looked at her

Yeah? Evie asked

You will use this to take out the driver. Two sprays and he'll be out like a light. Mal said handing her a perfume bottle

"Hey McKenna, will you undo Ben's love spell after the coronation?" Mal asked "because I've just been thinking, you know, when the villains finally do invade Auradon, and begin to loot and kick everyone out of their castles and imprison their leaders and destroy all that is good and beautiful, Ben still being in love with you just seems a little extra... cruel."

Actually the love spell washed off when he went swimming in the enchanted lake...I said as Mal looked at me wide eyed " but don't worry it won't effect the plan. He still loves me. I said as Mal nodded

After our little meeting I made my way back to mine and Audrey's dorm where I saw her waiting for me with the lights on

Audrey....I said

Shut up I don't want to hear whatever lame ass excuse you have for stealing my boyfriend and almost ruining my chances at being queen. Audrey said

Almost? I asked

Yes almost. I know who you are McKenna or should I call you Anastasia. Audrey said

You know? How? I asked

Grammy of course. She told me that fairy godmother and Merryweather tested your DNA and it revealed that you were my long lost sister Anastasia. Audrey said

Where is this going Audrey? Shouldn't you be happy that I'm alive? I asked as she scoffed

No! I was happy that everyone thought you were dead and you know why? It was because I would be queen. If they thought you were still alive I wouldn't be queen since I wasn't the first born. But I can still be queen. Audrey said

How? Do you plan on killing me for real? I asked

Gosh no. That would be to messy and way to much work and I wouldn't be able to find some Dumbo to do it properly so no I'm not gonna kill you. I'm just gonna wait patiently for Ben to realize that just because you were born of royal blood you are actually a dirty isle brat. Audrey said

You're evil Audrey. You're evil and selfish. You don't deserve to be queen. I said as she slapped me

No! You're the evil one. You were raised by maleficent who's the evilest villain of all and you are just like her and soon all of auradon will see the truth and they will put you back on the isle with your disgusting friends. Audrey said

I wanted to push her down and whoop her ass like I would have done back on the isle if a bitch dare lay a hand on me but I didn't  I didn't want stoop down to her level.

But you best believe if that bitch touches me again she was gonna be wearing dentures at a young age because I was gonna knock her teeth out.

Good night Audrey I said as I pushed past her tired form the days events and of Audrey's bullshit

Family day soon arrived and I was nervous and Carlos was terrified

Today I was gonna meet Ben's parents and Carlos was gonna meet his parents for the first time.

I hoped this would go well, been had told me that fairy godmother had informed belle and beast since they had gotten wind of the rumors concerning me and me having the same birthmark like princess Anastasia.

Anyway I was time for me and my friends to go to the family day event and my stomach was in knots and I was super nervous as I played with my ring that went with the outfit that Evie made for me

I really didn't want to wear the outfit because it made me actually look like a princess which was something I wasn't actually ready to accept just yet since I grew up believing that I was a VK but I knew this was Evie's way of saying that she acc...

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I really didn't want to wear the outfit because it made me actually look like a princess which was something I wasn't actually ready to accept just yet since I grew up believing that I was a VK but I knew this was Evie's way of saying that she accepted who I was and that I was still her friend.

As we arrived we heard Ben and the other aks sing a song for the visiting parents and for those in attendance

I watched as the boys raided the chocolate fountain machine while I held dude

While the boys were stuffing their faces a middle age couple were making their way over to Carlos with fairy godmother by their side

While the boys were stuffing their faces a middle age couple were making their way over to Carlos with fairy godmother by their side

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Carlos? Fairy godmother asked getting Carlos attention

Yes? Carlos asked

I'd like you to meet your parents, Anita and Roger Radcliffe. Fairy godmother said as Carlos looked at them nervously

Uh..hi...I'm Carlos de vil...well I guess it's actually Radcliffe....hell I don't even know if my name is Carlos or not. Carlos rambled on

Carlos calm down before you pass out. I said as Anita smiled

Yes your name is Carlos. At the time me and your father didn't really have a name for you yet. We love the name Carlos. Anita said

A matter of fact did you know that your name means Free man; valiant. And in Spanish it means strong Roger said as Carlos smiled

And as for your last name you can keep de vil if you like. Anita said as Carlos nodded

Thank you but I think I like Radcliffe better Carlos said

How about you spend time with your parents I suggest handing Carlos dude

O..ok Carlos asked as he walked off with Anita and Roger and I saw Ben coming up to me

Hey McKenna ready to meet my parents? Ben asked as I got nervous all over again

As ready as I'll ever be. I said

Hey guys I hope you like this chapter. A part two will be coming sometime this week. Comment down below or pm if you have ideas of how queen Leah reacts to see McKenna for the first time.

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