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Aaah... This feeling! Can't put it in words!

My idiot woman was resting her head on my chest and I just adored her presence in my arms. Now she was crying after confessing her love and I was feeling satisfied after telling her what was in my heart. I wish I could tell this earlier but I never found those words in which I could muffle my feelings and represent them in front of her, and this idiot woman didn't read my eyes which always take rounds of her. She needs the thread of words to make a garland of emotions. Well, I only know how to pluck the flowers of emotions but the thread of words had always tangled me badly.

She looked straight in my eyes, her face was looking more red than the flowers I brought for her. I wanted to kiss her right now, a kiss in which I could pour all my emotions, all my feelings and all my love but took a step back as she was already blushing enough to make my heart skip a beat, I couldn't torture her more with my love.

Picking up a red flower from the bouquet I slipped it in her bun and she giggled because of that tingling sensation on the scalp.

"One phool for another Fool." I whispered and she pushed me away.

[Phool- flower (in Hindi)
Fool- idiot (in English)]

"I hate you Deni I hate you. Aap bohot zyada... (You're so)" I didn't let her complete and walked out of the room while saying "Bure hain? (Bad)" I just love this expression on her face, even more than her blushing I like her smile.

Walking towards the hall I muttered, "Ahmaq Aurat." But before I could walk ahead a little boy who was running in the hall suddenly bumped into me.

(Idiot woman.)

Who is this boy in my home?

I asked myself and smiled while looking at my mother to ask the same question but I felt like my brain forgot everything, my heart stopped beating and my eyes forgot to blink.

A figure was sitting in front of me just beside my mother... Same eyes and same smile but not the same face, yet it wasn't difficult for me to recognise her even with closed eyes.

She wasn't that happy to go girl! She was not full of life anymore, her beauty which could attract any eye was lost in the haze of life. I didn't know what I felt at that time but my eyes dropped tears, my hands cupped her face, "Adeena... How are you? What happened to you?"

And when she told about her husband's death I was beyond shock. She didn't deserve pains! She only deserves happiness and joy, I never forget to add her in my supplication but her condition was yelling loudly that my prayers were being unanswered; Unfortunately.

I didn't have words to introduce her to my family, this task was done by her only but when she introduced me as her friend I felt angry. "Friends?" I couldn't stop myself to ask.

Is this called friends? A friend is the first person to be come in mine in the time of need, Only her face was enough to tell that she was ill and living a difficult life but she never asked for help... is this called friends? Friend is a far away thing she didn't consider me a well wisher with whom she could share her pain. I've seen a strong yet broken Adeena in college time too but today I saw another Adeena who was a strong mother but weak lady.

"Adeena... Dinner hamare sath kar ke jana." Telling her I moved towards the terrace. That was the only thing I could offer her, not as a friend but as a host, After all she was standing in my home as a guest.

(Stay here for some more time Adeena, go after having dinner.)

Standing on the terrace I was watching the farthest corner of the sky, it was turning red and orange as the sun was about to bid goodbye after leaving countless effects on the world, just like Adeena... Who left me after leaving countless effects on me and my world. A few years ago, once I saw her walking on the road with her husband, they were laughing and she was almost hugging his arm, she didn't notice me as she was lost in that man, I felt pain after seeing her happy with someone else, I wanted to ask her how could she even smile when I was dying without her but David stopped me to do anything silly, that day after seeing love in her eyes for someone else I broke down in even smaller bits... But today I was feeling guilty... I didn't want to cast an evil-eye on her happy life... her happiness matters to me... I felt pity when she told me about her husband's death.

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