Chapter 43: Magical interventions

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"Before we start, I have some announcements to make," Dumbledore said, ignoring the whispers, even the students were talking about him before of skeeters articles.

"As many of you have probably gathered this year, we are being treated to another new defence teacher, it is my pleasure to introduce you all to Alastor Moody, who many of you undoubtedly know by reputation. Still let's all give him a hand," dumbledore said, clapping.

A few students clapped, Harry being one as he did respect the scarred auror. He hoped that the man would realise Dumbledore was going senile and abandon him and his cause.

"My other announcement is that this year, quidditch will be cancelled, in favour of something even more exciting" the initial reaction cut off then as people waited to see what was about to be said, "This year, Hogwarts will be the proud hosts of the Tri-Wizard Torment."

The whispers exploded again at the announcement; Harry however frowned; he couldn't shake the feeling something bad would happen.

"I know you're all excited, I trust whoever is chosen will give a good showing and prove to be a great representative of Hogwarts and our values."


As the students slowly exited the hall, Albus stood before turning to face his staff and waving his wand to close the doors.

"The tri-wizard tournament, really Albus? You couldn't have warned us?" McGonagall grumbled.

Albus winced at the various looks, ranging from shock to anger being sent his way by his staff, "now my dear teachers, I merely wished to surprise you all alongside the students," he led, he knew they would hinder his plans if they knew, especially Fillus, the part goblin had ben a thorn in his side even since Potter joined his school.

"Well, you've certainly succeeded," Madame Pomfrey replied, I mean really Albus, I'm going to be overrun because you've decided that, that death game should be reinstated."

"I'm sure it won't be as bad as you fear, only student who are of age shall be able to enter, and I will ensure there are protections on all picked."

"Still, you should have told us Albus," Fillus said, "given us time to prepare."

"My dears, you have nothing to worry about. I have planned everything."

Fillus didn't let it show, but that was what he feared, he didn't trust the headmaster anymore, and felt this would end up being another one of his plots to attack on of his ravens.

"When will the other schools be coming? What schools are they?" Minerva demanded, still bristling that she hadn't been told.

"Dumstrang and Beuxbatons will be joining us in three weeks, with members of their sixth- and seventh-year classes."

"And where will they be staying; will they be joining our classes?" Severus asked, speaking up. He had known this was coming, Sirius had flooed him in a state, demanding answers only to realise the potions master knew less than him.

"They will provide their own accommodations, while their education will be covered by us. I'm sure a few extra smiling faces will not cause any of you any problems."

Pomona frowned, "still Albus, some warning next time. My badgers will no doubt be in a tizzy hearing the news, and I hardly feel much better. There was a reason it was banned you know."

"I'm sure your badger will be fine, and just think you could possibly have the tri-wizard champion among them, and of you could," he added.

Snape sneered; "I would hope my Slytherins have more sense than to enter such a ridiculous competition."

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