Back with me...

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Kaveh's POV:

Kaveh: "y-you...- what...?"

Alhaitham: "i love you kaveh..."

Kaveh: "i- i love you too haitham... i-im sorry for leaving..."

Haitham then pulls me into a hug, holding me tightly

Cyno: "well im sorry to ruin this lovey dovey moment but- were here too yk?!"

I completely forgot that nary and cyro were there

Kaveh: "oh uh sorry guys-"

Qiqi: "and Qiqi is here too...!"

I turn to see qiqi, i also forgot that tge little zombie was there

Kaveh: "right- shes here too-"

Doctor baizhu then walks into the pharmacy

Baizhu: "ok, so i found the medication kaveh-"

Baizhu looks around the see, nari, cyno and alhaitham (that was still clinging onto him 😋)

Baizhu: "am i interrupting something or...?"

Cyno: "who are you?"

Thignari: "and what medications, kaveh?"

I feel alhaitham squeeze me a little bit harder

Nari turn to look at me

Kaveh: "first of all, this is baizhu, he was the doctor who took care of me, this is Qiqi" i point to qiqi "and she is the one who saved, and brought me here, oh and the medication is to be sure i didnt receive any after shock of falling off the cliff-"

Alhaitham: "kaveh... how did you survive the fall..?" I hear him sniff, probably from crying

Kaveh: "well actually... Qiqi caught me...?"

Thignari: "what..?- how is that even possible?."

They look at me confused, but alhaitham, he was still clinging onto me, like if he didn't i would run away again.

Baizhu: "well you see- Qiqi is a zombie! She has inhuman strength!"

Cyno: "eh..- zombie..?"

Cyno and nari turn to look at Qiqi

Qiqi: "yes..! Qiqi is a zombie!"

Nari: "interesting..."

Kaveh: "did any of you find mehr-"

Suddenly mehrak appears, it floats around me excitedly

Kaveh: "mehrak! Buddy! Long time no see! Im sorry i left you there!"

Mehrak: "beep bop!!"

Baizhu: "since your friends, and this robot..? Are here, i could let tou off early! Your condition is great, so it shouldn't be a problem!"

Kaveh: "well that's great then!" I turn to nari and cyno"Uh- where were you all staying..?"

Cyno: "at an inn in the city."

Nari: "yeah, lets go."

Kaveh: "sure-" i turn to the doctor and the Qiqi "baizhu, Qiqi, i would like to thank you both for taking me in and saving me."

Baizhu: "its fine. Take care now!"

Qiqi: "bye bye!"

Kaveh: "bye! Ok- uhm- alhaitham- i need to walk, can you stop clinging onto me?-"

And then im suddenly lifted off me feet

Kaveh: "what the?-"

Alhaitham: "im carrying you."

Kaveh: "but i can walk just fi-"

Nary: "shush shush shush, kaveh! Let haitham enjoy this 😊"

My cheeks turn pink

Kaveh: "but- ugh... fine..."

I then got carried all the way back to the inn

Cyno: "since we only booked two rooms.. kaveh, youll have to be with alhaitham ☺️"

Kaveh: "i-"

I couldn't say anything, because i got dragged off to alhaitham's room

Haitham: "i missed you kaveh..."

Kaveh: "im here now..its fine..."


Hello! This story still isn't finished lmao! So like- yeah- uh- i will probably start another story after finishing this one bc i cant find any kavehtham school au anymore 😭 if you have any recommendations im open minded 😍

Anyway thanks for reading this!🙏

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