She's dated boys

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The whole weekend consisted of kissing, teasing, and more kissing. We went to the mall, took Henry to get some ice cream, then took him to the movies. That was it.

Sydney and I are hanging out today to kick off the break. She and I haven't really talked a lot recently and that's weird for us.

"So." She took a drink of her milkshake and turned towards me more.

We're in our spot. When nights would get rough when I was younger, we would walk here. When Syd got a car, we would drive and park right in front of the water. It's so gorgeous as well. A tiny lake where all the upper middle class and higher live. Sydney lives here.

"So..." I stared at her, waiting for her to continue.

She stirred the vanilla drink and didn't look at me, "Charlie and I have a date on Friday."

"Charlie Croft?" I sat up straighter, "You're joking, right?"

She rolled her eyes and fought the smile on her lips, "Nope. He asked me out on Friday."

I hit her knee, "That's awesome! When is it?"

Her smile grew, "Tomorrow. We're going to Vala's together. Their fall break sale is going on and 'couples' passes are 20 bucks."

I nodded, "That's cute. Vala's is a really good first date, Syd. And Charlie Croft is so adorable."

She nodded, "He's really sweet too. Polite. He told me he's liked me since sophomore year but never asked me out because I was dating Freddie off and on." She shook her head, "If Charlie asked me out then, I would have said yes too."

"Liar. Charlie Croft had a combover and square glasses and he hadn't ever heard of deodorant in his life."

She hit my leg, "I would have fixed him right up. He's always had potential."

I rolled my eyes and sucked in a breath from laughing so hard, "Yeah, yeah. Always seeing the best in people."

"Speaking of seeing the best in people." She took a sip of her drink again, "What's up with you and ice queen?"

I glared at her and fought my blush furiously, "She's not an ice queen actually. We've been getting close." I shrugged, picking up my own drink, "She's nice."

She snorted, "She's more than nice, you guys have been hanging out everyday for weeks."

"It hasn't been weeks." Now my cheeks were on fire. There's no way to hide this.

She shrugged, "It totally has. I've been wanting to ask about it but..." She looked away.

"You know I hate when you do that!" I slapped her leg, "But what?"

She glared at me, "But I was waiting until you weren't busy."

I leaned back and raised my eyebrows, "I haven't been busy. Hockey. That's the only busy thing I've been up to."

She set her drink in the cupholder next to mine, "And Scarlett. You two have been hanging out a lot."

"Yeah but that's not- I always have time for you. And Yoda and Mo. But especially you."

She looked towards the water, "Not for the past few weeks. Despite hockey, you're not busy. We always do stuff. But then you and Scarlett started getting closer." She shrugged, "I thought maybe she was taking my spot. Even when you're not with her, all you do is talk about her." She looked at me, "It started to seem like she was more important."

I stared at her, letting the words sink in. Then, I put my hand on her knee, "Sydney Wyatt, you are my best friend. You are the most important person to me and that will never ever change. Remember rule 72?"

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