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New clothing was whisked to the room of the Queen, and Kal got to run her hands over these dresses on her lonesome. Finnula had a few items of state to work over, so she left Kal in the safety of her bedroom as she did so and told her to stay put.

Kal did exactly as she was told. She looked over the fancy clothes that were made to her specifications. She felt them over and her rough, callused hands caught on the fine fabric. She never thought she would touch such things, let alone own them. She paused, and looked back at the windows. She shuffled over to them, and looked down at the gardens below.

Behind her, the door opened. Kal turned around quickly, but it wasn't Finnula.

It was the valet.

Kal flushed. She came away from the window and stood by the bed.

"Our Queen has taken quite a liking to you," the valet said.

Kal said nothing. She had a lingering feeling that saying little would be best.

"I know you will do your best to make her happy, which is what truly matters in this partnership, especially to me. I have long served the Queen through many years and trials." Lonnie paced the room slowly. "You have been brought out of the rough, and shine you like a gem we shall. But you will learn protocol, if you want to continue on this path with the Queen, and your lessons will come from me."

Kal said, "You're...not going to get rid of me?"

"Hardly. I let the Queen have her dalliances. Do you think you're the only one?"

Kal flushed hot and looked down at her feet.

"I care about the Queen's happiness, and for the now, that includes you. Therefore, you will come to Court with manners and class. I shall see to it personally. My lessons will not be repeated, so be a keen student."

"When is my first lesson?"

"Tomorrow, whilst the Queen is touring the village. You will stay here and begin lessons with me."

Sounds wonderful, Kal thought sarcastically. She knew better than to speak her feelings plain. She knew that it wasn't just anyone who was willing to teach her how to act at court, but the Queen's own valet. So she did her best to curtsy and say, "Thank you for being willing to teach me. I submit to your teachings and hope to do my teacher proud." Kal knew the right words to say in this regard.

"You've been to school before," Lonnie observed, surprised.

"Yeah, ages ago," Kal admitted.

"Can you read and write? Do you know your numbers?"

"Yes, yes, and yes. I'm not an idiot. I'm just down on my luck."

Lonnie watched her for a moment. She hmmed. "Good, your lessons will come much easier." She turned on her heel to leave, but stopped, and looked back at her. "I do not smell lies upon you, and you are easily vulnerable to our beloved Queen, who needs that presence. Do be careful, little thief, not to break her heart. Or I shall not forgive you."

Kal poked her chest and chin out. "I don't plan to!" She replied forcefully.

Lonnie did not look back. The door shut behind them, and Kal was alone again. She felt anger rising in her face, and took a few deep breaths to calm herself down. Oooooh, lessons with that stick in the mud were not going to be fun. Not one bit.

The Queen's Girlजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें