Chapter 111: Zhou Keh's Special Massage

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None of the other building managers had expected Zhang Yi to respond in this manner. After all, during this period, Zhang Yi went out every day in search of resources. This led them to naturally assume that Zhang Yi had to go out to survive by scavenging for supplies. But now, with his hands in his pockets, he had laid his cards on the table.

"Do you want to fight me? Is that it? Well, I'm hiding inside my fortress. Let's see what you can do!"

When everyone was in a dilemma, Li Jian broke the deadlock.

"I believe negotiation is the best way to resolve this issue. It's better than mutually assured destruction. If we negotiate, I can represent us."

Zhang Yi smiled and said, "I appreciate your attitude, Mr. Li. Back when we were in the company, I always thought you were the most reasonable." "Come and talk to me. I feel more at ease chatting with you. Unlike those bastards who like to ambush others!"

Zhang Yi deliberately addressed Li Jian as "Mr. Li," indicating to others that he and Li Jian were well-acquainted. At the same time, he subtly stirred up some conflict between Huang Tianfang and Wang Qiang.

Although the managers of these 29 buildings temporarily formed a united front, there was discord among them. If it weren't for the common goal of dealing with Zhang Yi, they would likely be in conflict with each other.

This statement had the desired effect. Wang Qiang sneered, "Li Jian, can you represent all of us?"

Huang Tianfang also grimly said, "We can't let you go alone to negotiate!"

Chen Lingyu added, "Since that's the case, I want to go too!"

Fearing that someone might privately reach an agreement with Zhang Yi, chaos ensued, and everyone demanded negotiations with Zhang Yi.

Once the precedent was set, others couldn't resist making the same request. Zhang Yi's eyes flashed with a hint of killing intent. He wasn't afraid of them coming; he was afraid they wouldn't.

"Alright, tomorrow afternoon at 2:30, I'll be waiting at Building 25 for your esteemed presence. Don't be late!"

Leaving these words, Zhang Yi didn't give them room for negotiation and promptly exited the group chat. If successful, tomorrow he could eliminate all 29 building managers. Even though it might lead to collective hostility from their subordinates, without leadership, they would struggle to unite quickly. Zhang Yi would then have the time to pick them off one by one.

As always, Zhang Yi's confidence stemmed from his formidable firepower and impregnable fortress. With both offense and defense in his favor, he feared no opponent.

The foot-washing water had cooled. Zhang Yi lowered his head and spoke to Zhou Ke'er, "Alright, wipe my feet clean."

Zhou Ke'er nodded and used a foot-wiping cloth to dry Zhang Yi's feet. She then went to the bathroom to pour out the foot-washing water and returned to give Zhang Yi a massage.

Turning his head to look at the beautiful female doctor, Zhang Yi suddenly extended his hand.

"For the next few days, don't use your phone. Keep it for me."

With the imminent battle, he needed to be fully prepared and eliminate any potential security risks. Zhou Ke'er hesitated for a moment before handing her phone to Zhang Yi.

"Are we going to fight with them?" she asked softly.

Zhang Yi replied indifferently, "Maybe. But I need to prepare for war in advance. After all, the number of opponents I'll face this time is not comparable to before."

"Oh, I see."

Zhou Ke'er nodded and continued massaging Zhang Yi without asking more questions.

After all this time, she had come to understand Zhang Yi's temperament. When he was in a good mood, joking and chatting were fine. However, when he turned serious, it was best not to speak or ask questions.

Watching Zhang Yi's solemn expression and the occasional sharpness in his eyes, Zhou Ke'er knew that Zhang Yi was deeply contemplating strategies.

She couldn't do much for Zhang Yi at the moment; her role was to fulfill her duty as a woman.

After thinking for a while, Zhou Ke'er walked behind Zhang Yi. Her soft and fair hands rested on Zhang Yi's shoulders, applying the perfect amount of pressure.

Then, Zhang Yi felt the back of his head enveloped in a surge of soft and mysterious power.

"What is this..."

Zhang Yi's gaze became unfocused. This sensation was akin to reaching heaven in utter bliss. He never expected Zhou Ke'er to possess such skills!


Zhang Yi couldn't help but say.

Zhou Ke'er was pleased, her face blushing. "If you like it, then it's good. I only recently learned this."

Leaning against Zhou Ke'er's chest, the warmth and softness surrounding him made Zhang Yi feel much more relaxed. His thoughts became clearer.

Closing his eyes, Zhang Yi secretly contemplated.

He had arranged to meet the managers of all 29 buildings. If they all came tomorrow, he would not hesitate to eliminate them all! The remaining people would undoubtedly fall into chaos, providing Zhang Yi the opportunity to deal with them one by one.

However, not all of them were fools. Some might choose not to come and adopt a wait-and-see attitude. In that case, attacking prematurely might alert them and complicate future actions.

How should he handle that situation?

Zhang Yi's mind immersed itself in the undulating waves of thought. After careful consideration, he made up his mind.

If those people didn't arrive according to his plan or if less than half of them came, he would temporarily pretend to agree to their demands. Concealing his true strength, he would lull them into a false sense of security. Subsequently, he would use various means to sow discord among them, weakening their fighting strength. Then, he would patiently wait for the right moment to eliminate them all!

After all, time was on Zhang Yi's side. In terms of firepower, as long as he didn't actively invade other buildings, he could crush all of them without a problem.

"I mustn't be hasty. Impatience can lead to mistakes, and once I make a mistake, I may find myself in a dangerous situation." "I need to be a patient hunter, setting traps step by step, and then letting the prey walk into my trap."

Zhang Yi's thoughts became clear, and he figured out how to deal with those people.

Perhaps this was related to Zhou Ke'er's new massage technique. In preparation for tomorrow's negotiation, he needed manpower to help maintain order.

The first person he thought of was Uncle You. He picked up his phone and sent a message to Uncle You, briefly explaining tomorrow's arrangements.

Uncle You immediately replied, "Tell me what you need. I'll do whatever you say. I follow your lead!"

Zhang Yi had treated Uncle You with kindness and generosity recently, coupled with his impressive marksmanship in a few battles, completely winning Uncle You over. Now, Uncle You faithfully followed Zhang Yi's instructions without hesitation.

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