25. Alone in the room

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Sean's perspective:

The twin had just come back to check up on him while he was still on top of the drawer, but quickly left once again.

He was left alone for quite some time, time which he spent continuing to think about the possibility that the aliens actually knew he was sentient.

He continued thinking of more and more cases where he had shown intelligence and the aliens didn't care.

It was enough for it to be a real possibility, which he really didn't like, thinking of the chance that maybe it was a situation where the aliens were just so advanced, that when compared he would be like an animal.

He continued worrying about this, since he had held on to hope solely due to the fact that he could get the aliens to realize his intelligence and help him out, but now this was maybe not something possible.

He started thinking of how he would be treated as an animal for the rest of his life if this were the case, stuck in a cage and forced to eat from the floor.

He repeatedly tried pushing this thought away and was thankfully distracted by the Tonuk and Ri coming back to the room.

Unfortunately, he quickly realized that they were trying to train him to follow commands, literally being treated like a dog.

He decided to try one last time to show that he had a language, by tapping objects, saying what they were in both Tonuk's language and his, repeatedly.

It didn't seem to work, the aliens had the same expressions they had before and didn't do anything.

They reacted the same way as the other times he tried this out, so, it didn't work, or they didn't care.

It was obvious that they didn't care that he could communicate.

He started crying at the thought that he would likely not see his family again, as well as that he would not be treated as if he was sentient and would give up his life back on Earth completely.

The weight of just, everything that had happened just fell on him at a moment, including feeling alone and all that happened in the weeks he had been there.

He ran away from the aliens to try to be alone, he trapped himself in the room he had stayed at quite a some days ago and shut himself inside, then pushing the little things he had in front of the door.

He knew that if they wanted to, the aliens could come in, but it would at least help stop them.

He stayed alone for a very long time, sulking, he didn't know for how much time, but it was enough for one of the aliens, he didn't know which, to check up on him a couple times.

The alien pushed away the things blocking the door and came in, but he hid away on his bed, using it to block himself from view.


He continued sulking about, eventually finally coming out of the room again to walk around, avoiding the aliens wherever he heard them.

He might as well actually know the place, since he'll have to spend his life there probably.

Still lightly crying, he managed to stop by kind of, disconnecting himself from the situation, leaving himself to feel nothing at all, though still bad.

He explored the few rooms he hadn't gone into, though these looked to be offices mostly, until he arrived onto a very cluttered room.

He quickly realized from the papery boxes and shelves that it was a storage room, which he started rummaging through.

Captured by aliens (It was his own fault)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن