Chapter Twelve.

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We all froze in surprise. Even Jennifer stopped short.

Bella burst out crying.

"I'm so sorry!" She said and Frank gave her a pain filled smile.

"It's alright, pup. I'm okay. It was just unexpected." He said and pulled his injured hand out of the pad. He held his injured hand in his other and cracked his bones, probably preventing them from healing wrong. He waited for a few moments and flexed his hands. "See? It's alright." He said and Bella looked at him with wide eyes.

"What just happened?" Andrew asked breathlessly, the shock we all were feeling was evident in his tone.

"It must be because she's a special wolf." Casper suggested just as Jennifer ran towards Bella again.

"Mommy, I'm sorry." Bella cried and Jennifer hugged her, muttering comforting words to make Bella stop crying.

"This one has a lot of potential, Lu- Jennifer. It would be wise to train her early in age." Frank said and Jennifer looked at him.

"I remember now. She was the same pup Alpha saved. She was able to run faster than five rogues." A warrior said and some of the wolves gasped.

"Casper." I called and he walked back towards me.

"Yes, Alpha?"

"I want you and Frank to train her separately. I mean alone without the other wolves. If word gets out about her and her abilities, she'll need all the training she can get." I said and Casper nodded.

"Yes, Alpha. That would be the wise thing to do." Casper said I looked towards the pack.

"Not a word of what has happened here will be told to anyone! Am I understood!?" I shouted using my Alpha command on them and they nodded.

"Yes, Alpha." They chorused and I nodded in approval.


"Yes, Jennifer?" I asked as I looked up from the file I was reading. After the training ground episode, I had told Jennifer to take Bella in and had Casper continue the training.

We were in my office right now, working.

"What's going to happen to Bella?" She asked and I sighed.

"Nothing. No one will breathe a word about what happened. I've asked Casper and Frank to train her separately." I said and Jennifer opened her mouth but I interrupted her. "I know I should have asked you, but you must realise that Bella is really special. Someone like that has to be protected at all costs and should know how to protect themselves. It's not all fun and games here, Jennifer. We as the largest pack have the strongest pull towards the greedy Alpha's and rogues. And we learn how to protect us against them as well." I said and Jennifer sighed, nodding.

"I understand." She said and quietly, we got to work.

Our lunch was brought in by one of the omegas and we thanked her before she left the room. Quietly we both had our lunch. Not a word exchanged between us as we ate.

When we got back to work, I quietly observed her. I noticed that she bit the end of her pen whenever she got stuck or was thinking about something. I noticed that she crossed her right leg over the left more often than not. She never fidgeted with her hair or clothes.

I noticed many subtle things about her. Like her eyes gleamed whenever she figured something out, with a hint of smile on her lips. Her violet eyes never looked away from her work. It was as if she and those papers were the only thing in the room.

Alpha's Awaited Mate *Re-uploaded*Where stories live. Discover now