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"Mom, I'm okay where I am right now. You don't have to worry about me," Ava assured her mother over the phone. It had been two months since she had made the difficult decision to leave home after the heartbreaking end of her relationship with Ethan. Although she regularly called to reassure her mother of her well-being, Ava wasn't yet ready to reveal her whereabouts.

A heavy sigh came through the line. "Can you just tell us what really happened, darling? Ethan told us it was his fault that the wedding was called off. Did he... Did he really cheat on you with Violet?" Her mother's disbelief was palpable, her voice laced with a mixture of shock and denial.

Ava's heart skipped a beat. "How... how did you find out, Mom?"

The line crackled softly as her mother replied, "Ethan visited us the day you left and confessed everything. But, Ava, why didn't you come to us? We're your family. We're meant to support each other. The thought of you dealing with this pain all by yourself is unbearable. I should've been there for you through all of this," her mother's voice broke, overcome with emotion.

Tears streamed down Ava's cheeks, the sound of her mother's sobs echoing her own heartache. "I'm so... sorry, Mommy. I just... I didn't know how to face anyone. I was so embarrassed and hurt. I felt so betrayed, so lost. I needed time to just be by myself, to make sense of everything."

Her mother's voice softened. "Honey, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. You did nothing wrong. Ethan made a mistake, not you. And you don't have to go through this alone. We are your family, Ava. We love you no matter what."

Ava clenched the phone tighter, feeling the chasm of physical distance that lay between her and the comforting embrace she longed for. "I know, Mom, and I can't tell you how much that means to me. But I'm just not ready to come back yet. There's something inside me that I need to find, some strength or peace, I guess. I promise I won't be gone forever. I just need a little more time."

There was a pause, and Ava could picture her mother nodding in understanding, even with a heavy heart. "Okay, darling. I won't force you. But please, don't shut us out. We're here for you whenever you're ready. Your father and I, we worry about you every single day."

Ava felt a lump in her throat. "I promise, I'll keep calling. And... maybe soon, I'll be ready to come home. Just not yet."

Her mother sighed, the sound carrying years of love and worry. "Alright. Just remember, our door is always open, and our hearts are always with you, wherever you are. We love you so much, Ava."

"I love you, Mom. Thank you for being there, even when I'm so far away," Ava whispered, the words mingling with her tears, a testament to the unbreakable bond that distance could never sever. They shared a few more words, a delicate dance of comfort and love, before the call ended, leaving Ava with a heart heavy with sorrow but warmed by the undying love of her family.

The room was silent except for the soft ticking of the wall clock, the sound oddly magnified in the tense atmosphere. Ava sat rigidly in the plush chair, her fingers still entwined around her phone, the final words of her mother echoing in her heart, a distant yet comforting melody. As she gently ended the call, a sense of solitude enveloped her, the room feeling larger and more imposing than before.

The door creaked open, breaking the stillness, and the doctor, a kind-faced woman with gentle eyes, stepped in, holding a clipboard close to her chest. The contrast between the warmth of her mother's distant support and the clinical, impersonal setting of the doctor's office was stark, amplifying the whirlwind of emotions swirling within Ava.

"Ava," the doctor began, her voice soft yet clear, "the test results are in, and it's confirmed. You are eight weeks pregnant."

The words hung heavily in the air, resonating with a gravity that seemed to pull Ava into a moment of profound realization. Her mind raced back to that fateful night with Ethan, a memory painted with shades of tenderness and vulnerability, now forever altered by the unfolding reality. She remembered the warmth of Ethan's embrace, a stark contrast to the cold, sterile room she now found herself in.

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