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JANUARY 7, 2022

STEPPING out of his car, Kash pulled his pants up and made his way towards Fortae. After the meeting Yuri had with Luxury Fashion Designers that went terribly wrong, Kash had a little plan or something to help Yuri out.

He seen how her whole mood changed even when she told him she was okay, and when she told him she was going to stop sewing that sounded definite. He couldn't see her go out like that.

Kashton definitely understood though, he was there at one point of time too. Where people wouldn't even give him the chance to work in their tattoo shop, so he decided to work for himself which still took time.

He didn't just get a tattoo shop out of thin air.

That shit took time, nobody helped him. He had to do it all on his own so it took time, it took time for him to get the money up, it took time for him to get his skills up, it took time for people to even notice him.

But he lov— "My nigga K, how you been?" Kash heard as soon as he walked into Fortae, Kash dapped up Taion, Taion was the owner of Fortae, a business idea he had at 19 and made it happen at 21. Taion was now 25 years old and his business was thriving as you can see.

He was also someone Kash knew since he was 14.

"Chillin. How you?" Kash asked to which Taion replied with a shrug, "Livin nigga, you know how that go." Kashton nodded, popping a gummy bear into his mouth. Taion laughed loudly making Kash mug him.

"You still got braces nigga? When you gon let them shits go?" Taion asked jokingly as he opened up a box, Kash smacked his lips. He couldn't wait to get his braces off especially since they low key made him look childish.

"Worry about yourself. They coming off soon." Kash replied. " But I gotta talk to you about some." he added. Taion raised an eyebrow. "Walk with me," Taion said, holding a few paintings to replace the old ones.

"My lady a fashion designer and shit." Kash began, but Taion interrupted with a smirk.

"Not Kash done got him a girl. Where y'all meet at?" Taion asked, shifting the topic and causing Kash to smack his lips. "Nigga let me finish talking" Kash replied, making Taion throw his hands up in surrender playfully .

"A'igh she wanna do an event, where people model the clothes she made. I know you do that type of shit." Kash continued, walking down the hall until they stopped in front of another painting.

"So she want a fashion show? Her clothes that good?" Taion asked looking at Kash while removing a painting off the wall and Kash squinted his eyes a little. "I wouldn't be here if the clothes wasn't good." Kash replied making Taion shake his head

Taion stayed quiet, Kash knew this wouldn't be that easy especially since Taion just opened back up last year after having to shut down because of multiple fights that occurred during the last event he did for someone.

Growing impatient with the silence Kash spoke up, "You gon do it or not Tai? Just let me know how much all this shit gon cost." Kash said growing impatient, Taion looked at Kash.

"I'on know K. I did just open back up last year,— I can't have bullshit fucking up my business." Taion said, Kash sucked his teeth.

Taion sighed, "Butt— I knew you since you was a young nigga and if you doing all this for shorty then it's good with me." Taion said and Kash smiled a little.

"I got a deal for you tho'." Taion started, Kash made a face making Taion laugh. "It ain't no crazy shit, just let my girl be in it and you don't even gott'a pay nothing. She know a couple models too so I got that handled." Taion said.

Kash nodded his head rubbing his chin, "A'igh. She better know what the fuck she doing too, she bet not fuck my girl shit up." Kash said making Taion laugh. He just wanted everything to go how he planned in his head and surprise Yuri.

He just didn't want her to give up on something that she loved and regretted it later.



JANUARY 7, 2022

Even though Kashton made Yuri feel a little better about the situation yesterday, she was still sulking, disappointed in herself. Thinking how she should've did more or tried harder.

Yuri thought she may feel a little better if she would come talk to her mom, and that's what she was doing. But she didn't say anything yet, she just sat there her head propped on her hand as she sat at the dining table in her parent's home.

Taylor stared at her daughter her eyebrows furrowed, seeing the unexplainable expression on her daughter face, "You bet not tell me you back with Mazi— I ain't raise you to be stupid." Taylor said, her eyes squinting at Yuri, who scrunched her face in response.

"Momma I'm not dumb. I'm not back with that boy." Yuri responded looking at her nails. Taylor tilted her head, looking at her daughter. "So, what's wrong with you?" Taylor asked, concerned.

"Remember how I told you about the meeting I had with this fashion designer company?" Yuri asked. Taylor nodded with a small smile, expecting good news.

"That good company, Luxury Fashion Designers, you was trying to get into last year. Did you get in? I hope you did girl, that's gon be big for you." Taylor ranted happily and Yuri felt tears come to her eyes.

"No.. I didn't.." Yuri replied and Taylor smile turned into a frown seeing tears fall on Yuri's cheeks. "Aww,Ri." Taylor rounded the dining table and went to sit next to Yuri, wrapping her in a comforting hug.

"What happened?" Taylor asked, Yuri shrugged. " I don't even know honestly. I must've did something wrong. I showed her my design, I even answered the stupid ass questions she asked." Yuri explained.

"Then she told me I was inexperienced. She didn't even give me the chance to show my other designs. She was so rude too," Yuri said, feeling hot tears roll down her face. Taylor shook her head and grabbed Yuri's face, wiping her tears away.

"Don't listen to her, you are way more than experienced, you been doing this since you were younger Ri. Don't let her words affect you."Taylor said, comforting Yuri as she sniffled.

"I invested in the dream you have. I'm your momma Ri, I never lie to you, if I didn't believe in you, I would've kept my little change girl." Taylor added on jokingly trying to lighten the mood

"She was being a bitch and tried to belittle you because she's miserable and she know your better than her." Taylor said, causing Yuri to crack a small smile. Her mother's insults were always funny and she definitely knew Taylor would have no problem saying it to Ivy's face.

"Don't cry babygirl, everything's going to be okay. You're going to try again, and if you fail you're going to keep trying because you my daughter." Taylor added on, Yuri sighed softly as her mother wrapped her arms around her.

Trying again was easier said than done, Yuri didn't know if she had it in her to try again. In reality she felt stuck, she came this far only for her to be at square one.

Little did she know though.





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