Shattered beginnings

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'This is my home!' I thought as I flew over green hill. Different color flickies couldn't keep up with how fast I flew. ' and these are my friends!' I landed next to my friends! However one of my friends was missing. 'Sonic!' I figured out, but as soon as I did Sonic came over. "Wow, I could use a chili dog!" Sonic said as I shook my head.

Everyone quickly noticed the unusual cloud above the mountain that stood atop green hill. "That's strange!" Tails spoke, Sonic not paying attention just stared at the strange cloud.

" Y/n! Could you go check it out? We'll be right behind you!" Amy asked, I rapidly spread my mechanical wings. The gears scraping together from the quick opening. I launched myself up into the air and towards the mountain. As I grew higher and higher I noticed the badniks making the cloud just below an opening leading into the mountain. I landed above the opening. Observing the inside of the mountain I saw this crystal. Unfortunately for me orbot noticed me looking inside and alerted eggman.

"GRR! Get her!" Eggman screamed, multiple badniks pounced onto me. I tried to free myself but with no luck. Once Eggman had me detained he started to walk closer to the crystal. Soon everyone else arrived. Knuckles and Amy helped me out and destroyed all of the badniks on top of me. Just as we were about to go into battle Sonic finally showed up.

"Hey, guys! I made it!" He shouted at us. Not seeing the judgement on all faces.

"You're late!" We all yelled at the same time. Eggman takes note of Sonic's late arrival.

"Sonic!" Eggman Roared at the blue hedgehog.

"Eggman!" Sonic said to Eggman. Eggman was standing beside the Paradox Prism, partially embedded into the rock. Around him were Orbot, Cubot, and several Burrobots and a giant mech behind him.

"Just in time to watch me claim the Paradox Prism and transform your disgustingly green world into something more... me." Eggman laughed maniacally, he looked up towards me and pointed. " You would be the only one I would keep less... me. I would just need to reprogram you." he spoke, I grew angrier after that comment. my screen showed an X instead of eyes. Sonic dropped don to the floor of the cavern.

"Yawn!" Sonic mocked, the rest of us rushed to his side. "Yep, I "yawned" you, Eggman." he added to make it obvious for Eggman.

"Crush them all!" he yelled furiously to his badniks. A horde of Badniks composed of Burrobots, Buzz Bombers, and giant Caterkillers charged forwards from Eggman's side of the cave. Sonic and co. rushed towards the Badniks from the opposite side. Sonic destroyed a burrobot with a Spin Attack, Knuckles destroyed another one with a punch, I blasted a Caterkiller with my rocket launcher, Rouge flew through the air, destroying a Buzz Bomber with a kick, Amy destroyed another Burrobot with her Piko Piko Hammer, and Tails used an remote controlled laser cannon to blast a Buzz Bomber. Sonic spun around attacking other Badniks, but is bashed by a Caterkiller, causing him to drop Rings.

"Whoa!" Sonic yelled, as he was thrown. Tails, while flying, caught Sonic.

"Sonic!" Tails greeted, holding Sonic while spinning his tails.

"Yo, Tails!" Sonic returned the greeting, before Tails tossed Sonic, who performed a Spin Attack, and spun towards Knuckles, who wa fighting several Badniks. "Knuckles! You okay, buddy?" Sonic asked the echidna.

"Nothing flusters me, Sonic..." Knuckles spat angerly as he grabbed an attacking Buzz Bomber, and threw it into a wall. "...except when you're late." He added before dashing off. A Caterkiller approached Sonic from behind. Rouge came in with a swift flying kick, and knocked it away.

"Thanks, Rouge!" Sonic thanked the bat.

"Don't mention it. Literally." Rouge said before darting off. Amy destroyed a nearby Burrobot with her hammer. Its disembodied head started rolling away, but she caught it. Three Flickies flew out of a hole in the head's underside. I wrapped my tail around a Buzz bomber and threw it against the cavern wall. Sonic dashed over, and leaned on the head of the Burrobot.

"Amy! Y/N!" Sonic shouted as he  approached us.

"Sonic! Where have you been?" Amy questioned the blue hedgehog as we all fought off badniks.

"Got a little sidetracked." Sonic simply answered. Sonic spun off up a wall, and attacked several Badniks. Amy destroyed another Badnik with her hammer.

"what got you sidetracked" I asked sonic.

"Your "boyfriend" stopped me" Sonic answered making fun of the fact that I have been hanging out with Shadow. I mean we are close but not THAT close. Before I could deny the accusation Sonic sped off.

"Get that rock out of the ground!" Eggman snapped at the several Burrobots attempting to drill away at the rock attacking the prism to the ground, but were unable to break it. "Want something done, do it yourself." He said before he climbed into his mech. Sonic spun over to Tails.

"Sonic, we don't know what the Prism is capable of. Be careful." Tails reminded Sonic which was met with Sonic rolling his eyes and dashing off towards Eggman.

"If Eggman wants it, it can't be good." Amy added while smashing badniks with her hammer.

"I second that!" I said while slicing badniks into pieces.

"Got it!" Sonic said giving us a thumbs up. Eggman griped the prism with his mech, and began trying to remove it. "Step away from the rock, Eggman!" Sonic barked at the mustached man.

"Not this time, you fool." Eggman mocked as Sonic got closer and closer to Eggman, the Prism was becoming looser and looser due to Eggman's efforts. Once close enough, Sonic jumped and spun toward Eggman and the Prism.

"No Sonic! this is what he wants!" I barked at Sonic while stabbing badniks and throwing them to the side.

"Sonic, wait!" Tails shouted to the impulsive hedgehog. Sonic was about to hit the prism, which was glowing brightly

"Sonic! No!" We all yelled at Sonic. The Paradox Prism shattered into shards, producing multicolored beams of light which blasted us all backwards. I suddenly was grabbed on the arm by...

"Shadow?!?" I shouted confused but before he could chaos control both of us. Everything went black.

Sonic prime x disassembly drone! Reader ON HAITUSOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora