Info (same as my other book just updated)

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Y/N: your name

F/C: favorite color

F/P: favorite place

F/W: favorite weapon

Pronouns: she/they sorry anyone who uses other pronouns you can still read this just think of your pronouns instead of she/they or use a program to change things you wish to change

To make the story follow the episode closest it can be Y/N can get "injured", go outside into all weather (snow, rain, sunny, etc.), go into water, eat, drink, and "sleep" ( shuts off) in ways to make the plot better

Abilities/skills: venom/stinger, interchangeable limbs, wings, claws, speed, can roll into a ball and go like sonic. Can change expression on her "screen"

Venom/stinger: her body creates a drop of venom every minute. Venom can burns through anything once punctured. Venom strength depends upon her energy. Her saliva is the only cure.

Weaknesses: if not rebooted correctly she can't tell who is who, cannon that emits whatever the user is thinking about, infection/corruption/virus chip, overheating, corrosive nanties, durability limit, manipulation, tail tangling, needing oil

"Injuries": stung, broken tail, binded/ broken wings, broken screen, damaged lights/eyes, virus chip

Best friends: N, Tails, Sonic, Knuckles, Amy, Big, Froggy, and Rouge

Natural: V, Shadow, orbot and cubot

Enemies/hate: J and Eggman

'':thoughts or fake

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