Bonus Chapter...

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Important A/N at the end!! PLEASE PLEASE READ IT!!!! 

9 Years Later.... (9 years after the 3 years in the epilogue part 2; Layla is 36 and Ashton 38 y/o)

Layla's POV

"Done." I said finally clicking save on my computer and leaning back in my chair. I rolled my neck trying to get all the kinks out of it.

"You are finally finished." A deep voice familiar as if it was my own said. Turning around I grinned over at my husband, Ashton. He was leaning against the wall dressed in his work clothes but his tie was loose and hanging around his neck. His brown hair was ruffled and his eyes tired but when he looked at me I could see his blue eyes sparkling. In the 14 years since we met he hasn't really aged at all. He still looked like the 25 year old I met at a bar, with only a little more wrinkles near his eyes and mouth. He looked even more like his father now a days and I found him way sexier. To think I have this amazing, smart, sexy guy as my own is still mind boggling to me; how did I end up getting him? 

"Thankfully." I said getting up and walked towards him. Wrapping my arms around his waist I buried my head in his chest breathing in his smell. His own arms wrapped around my lower back pressing my against him while resting his head on top of mine. Ashton's hugs were best thing I have ever had. 

"Are the kids in the living room?" I asked reluctantly pulling away from his warm embrace. 

"Yeah. Carter is with Macey, Luke and Ethan are there too." Standing up on my toes I gave Ashton a quick kiss on the lips before grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the study behind me. I was more than ready to get out of that room. I have spent the last 3 days constantly in there trying to finish up my book that my publicist needed next week. I was a lot more worried about this book than any other one because it is a sequel to my last one, and I didn't want to disappoint my readers. 

We came to a stop in front of the living room and I grinned at the sight before me. Luke was sitting on the couch playing a video with his best friend Ethan, the same age, from a few houses down. Even though he was only 12 years old he was already a little heartbreak, just like his father. On the floor a little bit away from the boys were Carter and Macey playing with dolls and a barbie house. Both of the girls were inseperatable always doing something at our house or at Kacey's. At 11 years old both girls were becoming quiet the beauties. They were definitely Kacey and I's daughters. 

"Daddy!" Carter said once she noticed we came into the room. She came running over to us and jumped into Ashton's arms as he knelt down. Carter had Ashton wrapped around her finger so tight that if she killed someone he would come to her rescue no matter what, same with me. With her baby blue eyes and already long brown hair she looked like a mix of Ashton and I. 

"Hey baby girl. Have you been playing with Macey?" Ashton asked picking her up in his arms. She was getting too old to be picked up but Ashton didn't mind. 

"Yes! We had a party." She grinned. 

"There better not have been any boys." Carter just rolled her as at him before jumping out of his arms and back to Macey. Even though she was only 11 Ashton was already gearing up to chase away any boys that come her way. I chuckled at them before going over to Luke and Ethan. 

"Are you guys hungry?" I leaned on the back of the couch above both boys. 

"Yeah. Can we get pizza? And Ethan is staying over." Luke said not once taking his eyes off the tv. 

"You know you are welcome anytime Ethan. Does pizza sound good to everyone?" I asked looking over at Ashton. With a nod and a few 'yeahs' I was on the phone calling in for some food. After hanging up I looked up over at my kids with a soft smile. It was weird to think that in just 2 weeks they will be back in school, back in 6th and 5th grade. They were growing up way too fast for my liking. 

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