painful goodbyes

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Fatima's POV
Isaac:I don't have time for jokes
Fatima:am not(he tensed up)
Isaac:did you sleep with your husband after what he did?

Fatima:Isaac,am pregnant from when he raped me(his eyes softened.he tried to hug me) no,we can't hug,am fine.
Isaac:you don't look like it .
Fatima:look I think..(it was as if he knew what I was about to say.He paced back and forth holding a predatory gaze)

Fatima: stop trying to intimidate me.(he stopped) I think we should separate.I can't work for you anymore.
Isaac:I don't think that's possible,the moment I laid my eyes on you,you became mine.You are mine Fatima.

(I couldn't hold back the tears and turned to leave,he stopped me and turned to me.He took a deep breath, trying to understand me)
Isaac:talk to me.
Fatima: I can't stand here and make such a painful decision, and you are here treating me like am your object.

Isaac:you can never be my object,I want to make you my wife.
Fatima:if you love me Isaac,you will let me go.
Isaac: it's not going to be easy,but I can try,but I will not going to leave you in the hands of that rapist.

Fatima: I have no choice.
Isaac:yes you do,you can easily coparent with him, no need to stay married to him.I will also love this child as if he was mine.

Fatima:no,in Islam neglecting a paternity is a very big sin.Jalil is the father so he has to do it, not you.
Isaac:do you even love this child?
Fatima:am trying to.
(His tone became stern)

Isaac: well you better love it, because if you are going to sacrifice your love and happiness,it Should be worth it .(he took a deep breath) this baby shouldn't be a reminder of rape,see it as apart of you(he held my hands and looked at me with the outmost sincerity)

Isaac:you have always wanted to be mother, finally your dream has come true,I know the circumstances of how you got pregnant was traumatising,but try to look pass that.Its hard but try.And when you do just picture that baby as more than a rape baby, because it is.This baby is also yours.

(He was right,his words went deep.I touched my belly,my baby.I hugged Isaac)
Fatima: thank you.
Isaac:do what makes you happy,now leave before I change my mind.

(I sadly took my leave.)

Isaac's POV
Immediately she left,I let out a loud yell as I thrashed the place.I finally found someone who loved me, only for her to be ripped away.

I had to swallow my pride and tell her to love her baby.Her loving her baby would mean, she wouldn't be with me, but I had no choice.

She always dreamt of being a mother,I couldn't ruin this for her.I had to stay away from her .

I couldn't help the pain in my heart as she walked out that door.

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