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Chapter 886— No Escape for the Wicked

Excruciating pain coursed through his body, making him yearn for the sweet release of unconsciousness. He screamed for help, his pleas echoing through the eerily empty courtyard. Fear finally took hold of Zhu Zhongba. Ignoring the pain shooting up his legs, he crawled desperately, pleading, “Feixue, Feixue, I beg your mercy! We are husband and wife, bound for life. If you kill me, you… you will be a widow. Please, forgive me!”

Nalan Feixue, her face as pale as the moon, approached him. Her smile was terrifying, “Don't worry, Zhu Zhongba, I wouldn't dream of killing you!”

Relief washed over Zhu Zhongba's face, but before he could utter a word, Nalan Feixue continued, “Would it be fair if I let you die so easily, after all the suffering you put me through? Zhu Zhongba, did you really think I would let you off the hook for what you did to me? Hahahaha…”

Panic and despair flooded Zhu Zhongba's eyes, causing him to faint. Nalan Feixue, with a sneer, severed his tongue, bound him in silk, and discarded him into a latrine, leaving only his head above the filth. She then left the courtyard, heading towards the Zhu Family's main residence.

She vowed to make everyone who had ever wronged her pay, she would not let anyone go!

The night was silent in Yanjing City, but within the walls of the Zhu Family, a bloody massacre took place. Zhu Yiqun couldn't believe his fate. His family was on the brink of greatness, but now they were being annihilated. The architect of their downfall was the very woman he had fought so hard to make his daughter-in-law, Nalan Feixue.

Nalan Feixue, her hand buried in his belly, a chilling smile on her face, taunted him, “What’s wrong, father-in-law? You were so eager to make me your daughter-in-law. Why the fear now?”

A horrified Zhu Yiqun screamed, “My son… what have you done to my son? Did you kill him?!”

Nalan Feixue laughed, “Kill him? Why would I kill my husband so easily? If I don’t make him experience the pain of living hell, do you think I would let him go? Hahaha…”

In his last moments, Zhu Yiqun watched as Nalan Feixue removed his dantian and devoured it. As he died, he still couldn't believe this was reality. His family was on the brink of greatness, and now, it was all over.

Nalan Feixue walked out of the Zhu Family residence, looking up at the pale sky. The dawn was about to break, bringing light to the world.

Chapter 887— A Mother-Daughter Reunion

Nalan Feixue, having dedicated her life to the devil, was about to leave the Zhu Family courtyard when a disheveled woman dashed towards her. Covered in dirt and emanating a rancid smell, the woman grabbed Nalan Feixue’s skirt, her hoarse voice pleading, “Feixue… let me see Feixue… my daughter Feixue… please let me see my daughter!”

Despite her initial disgust, Nalan Feixue stopped. She knelt down and brushed away the woman’s matted hair to reveal a face that was both old and unfamiliar. The woman was Murong Yaru, her mother. Once noble, elegant, and dignified, Murong Yaru was now a shadow of her former self, with sunken cheeks, a wrinkled face, and gray hair.

Nalan Feixue was shocked. Even though she had sold her soul to the devil, seeing her mother in such a state made her soul tremble. Murong Yaru was the only person in the world who had treated her sincerely, and had even saved her life once. If Nalan Feixue had any affection left in this world, it was for her mother.

“Mother… Mother!” Nalan Feixue whispered, “Mother, I’m Feixue! I’m your daughter Feixue!”

Upon hearing her daughter's name, Murong Yaru collapsed to her knees, begging Nalan Feixue to spare her daughter. Tears welled up in Nalan Feixue's eyes. She thought she had lost all human feelings, but it seemed she could still cry.

Nalan Feixue gently embraced her mother, whispering, “Mother, don’t be afraid, I will take you home!”

Back at the Zhu Family’s courtyard, Nalan Feixue nursed her mother back to health using various valuable medicinal pills left by Zhu Zhongba. When Murong Yaru woke up, she was lucid. Seeing her daughter, she cried, expressing her guilt for the harm she had caused.

Nalan Feixue comforted her, “Mother, it's in the past. All the people in Zhu Family except Zhu Zhongba were killed by me. There is no one else who can harm me in this world.”

Murong Yaru was stunned, “You… you killed everyone in the Zhu Family? How could you have done that?”

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