Chapter 53.

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Three days later, Neli finally opened her new coffee shop, everyone was present on her coffee shop grand opening. Her in-laws were there as well as her family, everything became perfect because Sanya didn't show up there either. She also fired the three staff hired by Sanya's mother in her coffee shop, but she made sure that she gave them a fair payment for helping out in her shop.

"Congratulations my Princess."

She couldn't stop laughing when she saw her father holding a plaque, he immediately handed it to her.

"Congratulations on your first coffee shop, My Princes." she read what was written from there. "Thank you Dad."

"I know your Mom will not get thrilled if I will give you flowers, so I decided to give you a unique gift for your congratulatory gift." her father said proudly.

She saw her stepmom Camille, Rhence and Charm next to him laugh.

"Congratulations, our princess." her stepmom congratulated her with a smile.

"Congratulations big sister." Rhence and Charm added.

Her in-laws came to her as well and gave her flowers to congratulate her.

"Where's my stupid grandson?" Grandma asked with a frown.

"Why don't I see him here?" her Mother-in-law added.

She just smiled at them, her husband called her earlier and said that he will be late because he has to take care of something at his office.

"I'm really going to throw that brat." Grandpa said.

"I'll do that Dad." answered his father-in-law.

She laughed because of their words, she couldn't do anything but to show them that she's happy even her husband was not there. She doesn't want to ruin the day of everyone there just because her husband was busy in his office.

"Madam, we will start the ribbon-cutting ceremony within five minutes." Mel said as she approached her.

She were accompanied by her in-laws and her family when she went to the entrance of her coffee shop. After she gave a short speech, her Grandma handed her a scissors that she will use to cut the ribbon when she heard Mel speak again.

"Sorry Madam, but before you cut the ribbon, let's welcome first your handsome guest, Young master Caleb Shawn Valdez."

Her guests suddenly moved and split in the middle as if there were someone behind them that they wanted to give way, she couldn't help but to laugh when she saw her husband walking there towards her, holding a big bouquet of red tulips. Did he just pretend that he was going to be late, but the truth was that he had a plan to surprise her?

He handed her the bouquet he was holding when he got close to her.

"Thank you." she couldn't help but be thrilled when she received the bouquet.

"My wife, I know we were already married, but I want to make it proper this time." her eyes widened when her husband suddenly knelt down in front of her, she saw a small box on his hand with two gold rings inside. "Will you marry me again, Honey?"

She covered her mouth in shock and joy, she couldn't believe that her husband would do that in front of many people. She was overwhelmed, she couldn't hold back the tears of joy when she nodded to him.

He immediately stood up and put the ring on her finger and wiped her tears, she couldn't help but hug and kiss her husband out of joy and her husband did the same.

After her husband proposal, she immediately cut the ribbon and her guests also started entering her coffee shop. She was happy that their feedback was good, several magazine editors where she became friends approached her as well to hold an interview and to feature her coffee shop in their magazine.

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