De Slippery Ice

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The first thing N felt upon coming into contact with Tessa was the distinct lack of the sensation of his feet on solid ice.

Tessa's hands gripped his cheeks with a vengeance as he was swung around in a very familiar fashion, N grunting in surprise as she effortlessly held him above the terrain, all the while beginning to sob behind her mask. "Hi Tessa..." N's voice came out slightly muffled as Tessa's grip was beginning to press against his cheeks, but the space girl could barely notice over her joy.

"OH MY GOD! N! I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD! DEAD N!" Tessa shrieked with joy bursting at the seams of her words, pressing him into a hug, one of the tightest he had ever felt in a while. "I missed you so.. so much..." she stuttered out, pressing the glass of her helmet into his chest. N quickly reciprocated the action, wrapping his arms around her body and holding her close. This only prompted Tessa to crank up the waterworks to eleven, his hugs hadn't changed one bit. Not even Cyn and her evil corruption could erase the joy of his embraces.

"I missed you too, Tessa," N said quietly as he pulled away from the hug to look her in the eyes, Tessa's hands still stubbornly maintaining their grip on his shoulders. "We have so much to catch up on N! Ah, how are you alive anyway!? You broke away from the company, so what are you doing now!?" she fired out her questions, N raising up a finger to answer. "Oh, lots of cool things have happened. Hey, how about I tell you about them while our friends catch up with each other!" N proposed with a smile, not noticing J landing in the icy sheet backfirst in the background, Uzi held up just above her while the latter snapped her jaws in J's face, just barely out of reach.

Tessa nodded with a particular giddieness and ran a hand up and down her right forearm, seemingly attempting to eliminate an itch of some kind. "Oh yes! How fun! So, how'd you get to the point where your JCJenson's most wanted?" she asked, leaning her elbow firmly against her sword which she had stuck into the sword in order to hold herself up. N's expression brightened significantly, J tossing the little gremlin child off of her with a powerful kick with both of her legs in the background. Now he got to tell his side of the story, and to Tessa as well! It felt strange, recounting his journey, from the moment he had first made eye contact with Uzi back in the corpse spire, to confronting Tessa, J and Doll on the ice in the middle of freaking nowhere! It might as well have been a memorie, but his journey, the quest to find the origin of the Absolute Solver, wasn't done yet. In all likelihood, it had just begun. Still though, a recap would be nice. So he cleared his throat, not for actual mucus but just for dramatic effect.

"Well, it all started when I arrived at the corpse spire after a long night of hunting..."

Unbeknownst to N and Tessa, a different kind of reunion was happening with our other cute puppe-I mean robots.

A violent reunion.

Doll grunted as she felt the slick fingers of the ice grip her back, pinned to it's cold embrace while V lay just above her, giggling like a record on repeat with the largest shit-eating grin ever known plastered across her face. A whirr, and Doll's attention was grabbed by the laser rifle being aimed at her visor in lieu of a right hand. She had to act quickly.

Grimacing with a sneer so hateful that it could burn through metal, Doll wrenched her head to the side, just barely getting it out of the way of the yellow laser that shot out of the rifle a millisecond afterward, burning a small hole into the ice, managing to pierce through to the black water below. Surely nothing terrible would come out of that.

"GRAAAAH!" Doll yelled, a cluster of red solver code gathering around her forehead, solidifying to the consistency of concrete, before headbutting V in the face. It struck the female murder drone with the force of a freight train, enough to send her flying into the air, screaming a magnificent cry of valiant terror as she was sent reeling into the ice a couple hundred feet away from Doll, who had swiftly regained her footing and prepared her next act.

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