⟣Chapter 111

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TL: Moonlit

The army of the Third District was continuously pushed back by a group of white flesh mountains. The front line kept expanding, and they wanted to know the maximum range of the venom spray but had been unable to determine it. Instead, several more people died.

Xiao Jiang’s face was extremely grim. “Use the energy cannons.”

The vehicle-mounted energy cannons were prepared, and all the muzzles were aimed at the white flesh mountains. They fired in unison.

The power of the energy cannons was formidable. The massive flesh mountains were blasted, causing their bodies to tilt and emit a wailing sound. The immense bodies began to leak viscous fluid. It seemed like the entire mass was made up of that fluid.

Everyone was overjoyed. It was effective!

As long as it was effective, the situation would be manageable. The concern was that they might exhaust all their means without being able to kill this mass of flesh mountains. The vehicle-mounted energy cannons continued to fire, countless shots, capable of toppling a real mountain, let alone a living creature?

The white flesh mountains were overturned and lying on the ground. The energy cannons ceased firing, and they waited for a moment, but there was no movement from the white flesh mountains.

A team of soldiers with special abilities was dispatched. They cautiously approached the white flesh mountains, circling around from both sides. Just as they were about to get close to the white flesh mountains, the team of soldiers simultaneously felt a chilling sensation down their spines. A strong sense of danger made their scalps tingle.

Several people in the military vehicle’s eyes contracted, but Xiao Jiang reacted the quickest and grabbed the loudspeaker, shouting, “Retreat!”

The team of soldiers with special abilities quickly retreated, but they were still a step too slow. A horde of frenzied undead creatures had already pounced on them.

Their target was the white flesh mountains. Several soldiers with special abilities didn’t even have a chance to use their powers before being overwhelmed by the horde of undead creatures. The fortunate ones who managed to escape the impact of the horde struggled with all their might to break free.

The horde of undead creatures swarmed over the white flesh mountains, tearing and biting like maggots on carrion. The previously motionless white flesh mountains suddenly let out a roar. The massive body writhed and rolled, instantly crushing a large number of undead creatures. The white flesh mountains raised their heads and sprayed out a torrent of venom, engulfing everything within its range. All the undead creatures, zombies, and humans caught within the range of the venomous deluge were completely covered!

The white flesh mountains wriggled onto the venomous deluge, and its speed increased. It scurried forward, directly targeting humans!

Its food had escaped, but the horde of undead creatures was unwilling to give up. They chased after the white flesh mountains, heading towards the humans.

The situation completely spiraled out of control.

Wen Qingling flipped over the city wall with Lu Tianjin.

Wen Qingling was very dissatisfied. “I have doubts about our cooperation.”

Lu Tianjin replied, “I won’t harm you.”

Wen Qingling said, “But you’re slowing me down.”

Lu Tianjin remained silent.

Wen Qingling continued, “I’m leaving now. Can you keep up with my speed?”

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