Chapter forty-one

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Would just like to remind everyone this book is not showing Rafe in the best light! He is a bad person, an incredibly toxic boyfriend and psychotic. I am in no way trying to romanticise abusive relationships, this is just how I'd imagine his character from the show to act. :)

Enjoy the chapter!


I feel the blood rushing to my head as soon as I hear Rafe hanging up the call, leaving me and jj sat in an excruciatingly painful silence

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I feel the blood rushing to my head as soon as I hear Rafe hanging up the call, leaving me and jj sat in an excruciatingly painful silence.

"jj I'm so sorry" I run my now trembling hands down my face, trying to stop myself from bursting out into tears.

If looks could kill, I'd be a dead woman by now.

"I think you should leave" his voice is cold and lacking emotion, each word adding salt to my open wounds.

I don't even look his way, all I'm able to do is give him a weak nod, before getting up off of the bed and gathering my things from the messy floor.

I let out a shaky exhale as I exit the room, gently closing the door behind me as I make my way to the small bathroom down the narrow hallway.

I pull last nights dress on, not exactly wanting to arrive home wearing a pair of men's boxers and jj's shirt.

I waste no time leaving the chateau, my clammy hands gripping the steering wheel for dear life as I reverse out onto the gravel road.

Tears begin streaming down my cheeks, fogging up my vision as I desperately try wiping them away.

I feel like screaming at the top of my lungs, my knuckles turning white from my tight hold on the wheel.

After my not so peaceful drive through the island, I'm finally pulling into my driveway.

I wipe away any remaining tears, running my fingers through my knotty hair before climbing out the car, my wobbly legs carrying me towards the front door.

My shoes hit softly against the cobblestone beneath me until I'm bringing my body to a complete halt.

The sight of a sleek black car parked by the side of my house catches me off guard, a chill running down my spine when I realise who that car belongs to.

I'm about to walk into what I presume will be an absolute shit show.

I hesitate before turning the knob, slowly edging the door open and praying to god I can get to my room unnoticed.

I'm practically tip toeing down the hallway, so close to the staircase where I can hopefully make a run for it.

"Look who's finally decided to show her face" I hear a deep voice from behind me, a voice I could never mistake for anyone else's.

I almost drop my phone from the startling sound, a part of me not even wanting to turn around to face him.

Despite my strong desire to just run away, lock myself in my bedroom and never leave, I turn around.

I'm met with a narrow eyed glare, and for the first time in a while, I'm experiencing nothing but total fear.

"Rafe" I breathe out as he begins to approach me, my feet stumbling backwards until my back is hitting the wall behind me with a thud.

"I could fucking kill you right now" his hand grips my face tightly, making me wince and try to pull away from him.

His fingers are digging into my cheeks roughly, no doubt leaving red marks behind.

"I'm sorry" I whimper, well aware that I have no choice but to comply with him right now.

"You're sorry?" His voice is growing louder, booming off the walls around us.

"You're lucky I didn't go over there and beat him to death for even touching you" he growls, a vein prominent on his forehead as his face is inches from mine.

"I'm sorry" is the only thing I'm able to choke out through the tears pooling up in my eyes.

"You know what you are? You're fucking pathetic. You're a pathetic little whore" he spits out at me, each word causing an ache in my heart.

"Rafe you're scaring me" I squeeze my eyes shut, causing tears to begin rolling down my cheeks.

His grip on my face loosens slightly, before he's removing his hand all together and taking a step away from me.

He lets out a frustrated groan and runs a hand through his hair.

After a moment, I notice him looking back at me, his angry demeanour almost immediately fading into an arrogant, smug one.

"I could kill him you know? I've done it before, there's nothing stopping me from doing it again" his voice sounds almost as if he's patronising me now.

"What?" My brows furrow as I wipe my wet face, my voice weak and small.

A sadistic grin spreads across his face, his head tilting to the side slightly as he lets out a chuckle.

"I quite enjoyed it actually, and I'd definitely enjoy killing that worthless piece of shit" his voice causing goosebumps to prickle over my skin uncomfortably.

My eyes widen as his words ring through my head like a siren, my brain urging me to run.

"Don't be scared Annie, I'd only be protecting you. That's all I ever want to do" his grin widens as he reaches his hand out, tucking a loose piece of hair behind my ear and causing me to flinch.

"You're fucking crazy" I exclaim before swiftly darting around him, dashing towards the front door.

Right before I'm able to make it outside, he's grabbing me, pulling me into his body. A scream escaping my lips as I'm colliding into him.

"I really wish you didn't do that baby" he grunts as he keeps a tight hold of me.

"Rafe let me go" I attempt to tug away from him, but he effortlessly overpowers me.

"That's not going to fucking happen" he holds me harder until he's pulling me out the door, towards his car.

"Rafe stop it! Let me go!" I shout, but all he seems to be focused on right now is dragging me to his car.

"Shut the fuck up" he grunts, swinging open the passenger door before shoving me in.

Before I know it, the door is locked, and I'm trapped inside. I frantically pull at the handle, but it's no use.

"Rafe you can't just fucking kidnap me!" I shout as he climbs into the drivers seat.

He slams his fist against the dashboard, making me jump.

"Yes I can, so shut your fucking mouth!" He leaves no time before starting up the car, aggressively pulling out the driveway.

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