The Colourful Auras

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Elleen , Clea and Novella were sitting in a cafe nearby to their school.
They were discussing about the topic of their assignment.

An hour passed by , but they still were not able to find a single topic , which will be different from others.

'Argh!, I'm tired . Studying is fine, but I can't do research. You too are such nerds , do you ever get tired of studying.', Clea wanted a break from this.

'Just a little more ,than we'll rest okay. Okay , Elleen what were you telling me.',Novella was focused on her notes.

'Even if we're from different kingdoms and have different powers , we can't even think of a single topic yet. Ah!!, this is making me sick.', Clea was frustrated.

'Well, I know we are from other places,  but we're still united right? We have same useless brains.',Novella said and they laughed together.

'Wait a min-',Elleen suddenly got an idea. 'Clea , you gave me an idea!'

'Me?, when?', Clea asked , surprised.

'Yes you did, right now!', Elleen explained them her idea. ' since we all are from different places and have different powers , why don't we make our assignment's main theme on that!'

'What do you mean by that ? ', Novella asked.

'You know make the topic on our different auras!',Elleen said excited.

Then they discussed about each other kingdoms and powers to think of more ideas on the topic.

'Well, you both already know that I'm from navy kingdom. It's called "Salem". You can ask me more of it if you want too.', Novella said.

'Well, Novella already knows that I'm from pink kingdom , "Blossom". My aura which Felicia collected was a lil baby pink in colour. She said I am a soft bean!', Clea was smiling on remembering her enrollment.

'Speaking of kingdoms, Elleen you never told us anything about them. Not even you showed us your powers.', Clea asked curiously.

Elleen was taken aback by her own thoughts. She doesn't wanted to tell them her kingdom's name . What if they asked her to show her real self and after finding about her history...what if they left her ?. But they were her friends,  maybe they'll understand her.

She had accidentally chosen to tell them about it. She had no choice , they were asking her . She had to tell them.

She took a deep breath and said,
'I'm from the purple kingdom. Aliantrix.', she was looking very nervous.

Both Novella and Clea made shocking faces . They were shocked to see someone from a kingdom which has hidden itself from the world. They couldn't believe what she said as she usually wore anything purple. 

'No way! You are from that kingdom! I've heard so many stories about it.', Clea said by putting her hands on her mouth in surprise.

'But wasn't your people always hating on other kingdoms. Are you like them too?',Novella asked .

'No trust me I'm not like them. I don't hate other kingdoms.', Elleen replied. She then thought something and said,
'Our queen approved to let our people go and see other kingdoms few years ago. But not much of us wants to see other people. I came here only to see new me guys ...I'm not like them.'

'Well, if Raelynn approved you , then it means she trusts you . That makes things clear for us.', Novella replied.

'Why did you never told us about it?', Clea asked.

'Well, to be honest I didn't wanted people to judge on the basis of my powers and my kingdom. And I was scared too , that how will you both react, you see you both are the only people I talk to , no one other than you two talks to me.', Elleen was on the verge of crying as she thought they'll not believe her.

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