❝How Deep is Your Love? ❞ ½

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❝How Deep is Your Love ❞ ½

Summer 1999

"Brady nicked my wallet." John brushed his leather jacket and worn jean trousers. There was dust on them, he had clearly just gotten out of a fight. His black hair was slicked to one side, slightly edging over his wild green eyes. It was clear to Metilda that he was going for Rocky Balboa look.

She laughed, her ruby lips curled upwards. "What a terrible excuse for a roommate."

"Hey!" John stood taller. A bit offended. "I won't hear anything against my best-friend. Even though he can be a scoundrel at times-he's the best I've got."

"I'll go grab my purse." Metilda rolled her eyes. She secretly liked that about John. He was faithful to his friends and those he loved.

Her hands reached for brass handle to her dorm room when John fingers found hers. He smelt strongly of some male musk. Valentio, Metilda concluded, was her favorite smell. His face was freshly shaven. He had really made an effort to impress her.

A scarlet red color fled her face when she realized one of girls from the lower grade was watching them and John quickly withdrew his fingers.

"It's our first date." John stared hard at his polished black shoes as though they were far more interesting than the blushing girl standing at the steps of a sorority house.

"I know, Mr. Jack Reacher."

"Well, the lady should never pay on the first date."

Metilda eyebrow shot a mile in the air. "Is there a rule against it?"

"No, well..." John cleared his throat awkwardly. "I wanted to do this right... I didn't mean that you aren't capable of taking me out...I'm not doubting you. Women are great, beautiful wondrous creatures but I-I"

She sighed. "We're humans. Just like you men are. John, shake yourself out of this stage fright. We were friends before confessing. As a matter of fact, we still are."

"Sorry." John grinned sheepishly. "I just can't believe you said yes."

Metilda felt her cheeks strain into a grin, mirroring John's. She was so gone.

"My friend, Liz, the photographer has gone out to take some wedding pictures."

John looked at her, unsure. "Okay."

"I think the venue was the Lilac Garden, you know the park next to South Avenue. We could crash it. I mean not, crash crash it but like for free food. What do you say?"

John looked tempted but still unsure. "Don't you think they'll mind?"

"Nah. They're quite rich" Metilda linked her arm with John, well-aware of her classmates peeking through the blinds. She could almost hear their dreamy sighs as John hesitatingly put his hand on her small back.

"Let's go then."

Summer 2015

There was hesitation in John's eyes. Every day, every hour, every second, and with every breath he took, there was hesitation in the moments he spent with Metilda. She wasn't the same woman he had loved at the blossom of youth. The fading of years had changed her. Or maybe it was his betrayal.

Because this woman, who once was confident, brave, and strong, was now trying to salvage the little self-respect she had. She would smile, laugh with John, but her eyes, always guarded, her response always short, and less warm than what it used to be.

Ninety days had passed since Louis was discharged from the hospital. The little angel had gone to a field trip with school. Though Metilda was against it, Louis had begged his parents until they gave in.

John wanted to seize this opportunity to take Metilda out for a date.

He stood at the doorway of her room. She sat at the worn maple desk, in her separate room from John. She hadn't moved into their bedroom and John didn't ask her why.

He straightened his posture, his hands clammy like from the time of their first date. The soothing melody of her fingers hitting the keyboard halted when John knocked the door.

She turned around slightly, blinking a couple times as though she had lost her train of thoughts.

"Do you need something John?" Her voice was a calm resembling a tropical summer wind.

"Um...not really." He didn't dare to set a foot inside her room. The idea intimidated him for he no longer knew how she would react. Would she push him out or pull him closer? "Are going to be free in the evening?"

Metilda started at the clock, biting on her lower lip. She did that when she was nervous or excited. "I have therapy in the evening. So I should be free around eight." Then a slow smirk slid on her lips. It reminded John of the young Metilda. "Planning to take me on a date, Johnny boy."

John let out a nervous laugh. "Something like that."

Metilda watched him for a moment. A strange silence settled between them. It wasn't suffocating nor was it comforting. It was like an empty void that was begging to be filled. John couldn't help noticing the slight amount of color returning to her cheeks. She was slowly gaining weight and it was for the better.

"I should finish this article." Metilda said. Breaking the silence, painfully.

John nodded. He was about to leave. "Metilda."

"Yes, John."

"I love you." Surprise flickered upon her face, as an open flame under the early spring rain. Her honey eyes, that reminded John a fleeting winter afternoon, were wide.

John wanted her to say the words out loud. Metilda's lips parted, she was about to say something, but her voice abandoned her midway.

It took her moment to find her voice.

When she did, John's chest thudded painfully. "I do too."

The hesitation in her voice was something John would never forget. It wasn't because she was unsure of her love for him, it was because she was scared of hurt, of letting him know how much he meant to her. Because once upon a time, Metilda had given everything to John and he had thrown it all away.

John smiled, not bitterly, but in remorse.

Forgiveness was more easily given than faith, he finally concluded.






Note: Sort of a preview for the extra chapters I've been working on ( I even wrote an alternate ending which I may or may not post because it's super sad and a chapter about the grown up louis). I'd say there are roughly two more extra chapters after this. Betrayal does something to people, especially to the victims. It usually (not always) is punch on their self-esteem. I really wanted to show the impact it had on Metilda and John alike. These chapter won't be too bitter or sad, if you are concerned. They are fairly light. I'm posting the next part either on Wednesday or Thursday so stay tuned.

OMG, btw 12th kiss is #1 on short-story. How cool is that? WE SHOULD PARTY. I LOVE YOU!

P.S. I do read all the comments (share your views with me. I love reading them). They make me super happy. Since my computers flash player is a bit messed up, I've been having a hard time replying.

P.S. (2) did you catch the references? Jack Reacher, Rocky?

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