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The man nodded and beckoned for them to enter. Skylar, following his uncle, stepped into the dimly-lit abode of the stranger, unsure of what to think of the cryptic exchange that had just passed. "Is he come?" The man had said, as if he'd been waiting for Skylar, as if Skylar were someone of consequence.

Behind them, the man closed the creaky door as quietly as possible. Lasseter pulled the hood back from his face. Skylar did likewise. The room in which they found themselves was small, sparsely furnished. At one end of it the embers of a fire long exhausted glowed with their last flicker of life. Over it hung a rusted kettle. Two cots stood on the old wooden floor just in front of the hearth. Near the adjacent wall was a man, looking as if he'd just stood up from the table in front of him.

This other man was tall with powerful arms that bulged from his jerkin. He looked considerably younger than the other stranger, but bore a look of wisdom and experience beyond his years. His eyes met Skylar's. Then slowly he inclined his head, keeping his eyes fixed on Skylar. The gesture puzzled Skylar, and he did not know how best to respond.

A third stranger appeared from a back room, stopping at the threshold of the doorway. He was shorter than the man at the table, but stout and strong. He too looked younger than the first man. His sable hair was short and kempt, and matched his eyes, which he likewise fixed on Skylar. Unlike the other man, this one wore a sour look on his face.

"Is that him?" he said gruffly.

Skylar looked back at his uncle and the man who opened the door. But they ignored the question.

"What news, old friend?" said the older man to Lasseter.

"The Trackers found him on Haladras," replied Lasseter gravely. "I was careless to let them get so close. I should have brought him here sooner."

Lasseter shook his head and set his teeth.

"Foolish, indeed," he continued, "he's certainly on our trail now."

"Yes," replied the stranger, "but he is safe, for the present."

The stranger turned to Skylar. "I've waited many long years for this day. What honor to see you again."

The man's eyes, though dark and beset in a scarred, careworn face, possessed a softness that surprised Skylar. Those eyes seemed to see something within Skylar that ignited a long-dormant memory.

"I am glad that you are safe," he said.

"Thank you," said Skylar. "But, Sir, I'm afraid we've never met before. Nor do I even know why I am here."

The man's stone-set mouth cracked into a smile. Lasseter, too, let out a chuckle.

"This is Krom, a true and faithful friend," said Lasseter.

Krom solemnly nodded, just as the others had done.

Indicating the man at the table, he said, "This is the valiant Grim Galloway. A finer swordsman there never was." He motioned to the other. "And this stout and stout-hearted fellow is Endrick."

"I'm pleased to meet all you," responded Skylar, attempting to be as courteous as he could, despite his weariness and anxiety over all that he'd endured in the hours since the Trackers attacked him on Haladras. "Can one of you explain to me why I am here?"

"I see Lasseter has kept you guessing this whole while," replied Krom. "I think the time is ripe for the truth to be revealed to you. Lasseter, however, is the best one of us to do the telling."

Skylar turned to his uncle and looked at him expectantly. But Lasseter merely shook his head and turned away.

"I don't have the heart to tell it," said Lasseter. "Krom shall tell it. I must sleep now."

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