Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

"Hey, Chloe, have you seen Carrie?" Clark asked as he went back out through the Talon.

"She's not upstairs?" Chloe had been hoping to accidentally run into Carrie, because things had been a little odd between them ever since she discovered Clark was dating her. It didn't feel right and while she was home for a while, she wanted to try get over the awkwardness that had developed between them.

Clark shook his head. "I'm worried about her. We were supposed to meet up this morning."

"Maybe she's at Watchtower?" Chloe suggested.

"Already checked and her cell's off."

"Did you call Oliver?"

"And Bart, Victor, Andrea and AC." Clark confirmed.

"When was the last time she was seen?" Chloe sounded worried.

"I saw her last, yesterday lunchtime."

Chloe thought for a moment. "Maybe I can do a trace on her cell phone, see if she placed any calls."

"I'll take you to Watchtower, Carrie already has back doors into almost every computer system from there."

They left the Talon, then Clark picked her up and a second later, set her back on her feet inside Watchtower.

"Wow," she said, looking around.

Clark knew that Oliver had told her about this place but she had never been here before. She headed for a computer terminal and began typing. She seemed to find her way through the system with relative ease.

"The last call she placed was to you last night, the call was connected but you didn't pick up."

"She didn't call me," he insisted.

"The connection lasted less than a second," Chloe answered. "Your phone probably didn't register it. That's the last activity. I'm going to try and ping a signal off it, see if we can get a new location."

Clark began pacing as she worked.

"Nothing," she said. "Her phone must be off."

"She would never turn her phone off, something much have happened to it. Where was that last call made from?"

"221 Oak Place, Granville."

"That's the safe house that Adam Knight was staying in." He disappeared, leaving Chloe alone.

"I really hate it when he does that."


"Come now, Miss Donovan, these continued denials are getting tedious."

Carrie looked defeated. Her left eye was bruised and swollen, her lip was split, her body was covered in a multitude of small but painful injuries and every muscle in her body hurt. She wished she could curl up into a protective ball but she was strapped down to the hospital bed and unable to move.

"Mr Luthor, if I knew what you were talking about, I'd tell you."

Lionel was getting tired of these games. He had already tried his best interrogators on her, then he'd moved onto torture. So far she wasn't giving him what he wanted.

"I know you have an unnatural interest in me, Miss Donovan. Your name was all over the court papers that got me convicted and my security team tell me that the listening devices used to listen to my conversations are eerily similar to patents you filed through Queen Industries. Imagine my surprise when we sought to retake Mr Knight and found you there as well."

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