Chapter Five - Tricks and Traps and Fighting Back

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Jahrra's first day of school was definitely not what she'd expected it to be, but with the encouragement of her parents, the companionship of her two new friends, and mostly from the promise that Hroombra would teach her on her days off, she willingly faced the inhospitable Resai twins day in and day out.

To Jahrra's great relief, the school week only lasted four days, leaving the last day free for her lessons with Hroombra. The old dragon would help her refine her writing and reading skills and teach her about the history of Ethoes through stories of times long past. Jahrra always looked forward to these lessons; at the Castle Guard Ruin she didn't have to fear the laughter and taunting of her classmates.

On weekends, Jahrra would either help out at home or go over to Gieaun's and Scede's ranch where she would learn how to ride horses. Learning to ride quickly became Jahrra's favorite thing to do, especially since it meant spending time with her two best friends.

Wood's End Ranch was the largest piece of land on the western end of the Sloping Hill, easily a hundred acres if not more. It was called Wood's End Ranch because it backed into the Wreing Florenn on its southern side. Jahrra didn't hesitate to mention that her own orchard met the feared forest and asked her friends if they'd ever seen the terrible beast that was said to live there.

"Father has told us many stories about the monsters of Oescienne, but we've never actually seen them," Scede said matter-of-factly.

Jahrra looked at him with wide eyes, too distracted by the fact that there were many monsters living in Oescienne to be disappointed that he already knew about the one in the Wreing Florenn.

"Don't worry, if you ever get to go camping with us I'm sure father will tell you all about them," he continued after seeing Jahrra's reaction.

Jahrra crossed her arms and squished up her face, "I would like to hear about them," she claimed. "I need to know what exactly is in the Wreing Florenn. I'm going to go looking for the monster someday when I'm older and braver."

Gieaun looked simply terrified at this comment but Scede, surprisingly, looked as if he'd nurtured the same idea for a long time. After much pleading and teasing Gieaun said that she'd only go with them when they were much older and only during broad daylight. The children laughed at their bravado. If only they could be so bold at school. The schoolhouse was Jahrra's least favorite place to be since it had become a place of both emotional and physical conflict inside and outside the building.

The Legend of Oescienne - The Finding (Book One of the Oescienne Series)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें