Chapter 12

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String looked as Callen gasped a name, he'd heard it before while he'd be delirious, but Callen had not mentioned the name again, so he had thought nothing of it, after all even now, years later, he would wake up calling Gabrielle's name in his sleep. Luckily, Sue was an understanding woman, who knew he loved her implicitly and this didn't have an impact on their relationship, but sharing who Gabrielle had been for him had made them grow stronger.

"Maria?" he asked.

Callen shook his head and turned away, he wasn't sure who she was, only that he cared about her, she was young he knew that, but she had been kind to him and he had left her there, alone.

"It doesn't matter." He snapped, "Nice helicopter..." He tried changing the subject. "Any chance we could take a ride back to where you found me, I just think, before I go back to Los Angeles I need to see the place I was held at."

String nodded, maybe it would do his brother some good, dislodge some of those memories. "Ok, but we can't land there, we'll just go over, so you can see ok?"

Callen nodded as SinJin climbed out of the helicopter.

Ten minutes later they were back in the air, Callen marvelling at the technology in the helicopter as they flew low avoiding the radar.

The compound seemed bigger to Callen as he flew over it.

"Are you sure there's no one down there?" He asked, his voice sounding tinny over the headset.

String, now in the cockpit looked outside, "We can check thermal imaging if you want?" He offered.

Callen looked over at both his brothers hopefully, "Please..."

Sinjin tapped the controls, scanning the information in front of him, he shook his head, "A few rats, maybe a dog or a coyote, but nothing human." He confirmed.

"Maybe she got away." He mumbled to himself, hopefully.

"What was that?" String asked.

"Nothing," Callen replied with a fake grin, "I said I'm glad I got away, it looks awful down there."

String nodded, "It was, I'm glad we got you too bro."

Callen sat back in silence as they flew back to where SinJin had picked them up, he couldn't remember much about Maria, that was true, a fleeting glimpse of her eyes, the touch of her hand, the overwhelming urge to protect her at all costs. But she wasn't there, he knew she hadn't been killed, so he hoped she had gotten away. Maybe she had been kept prisoner too, he didn't know, but he hoped she was safe. He decided that as soon as he could, he would see if the computers at NCIS could dig anything up on her, just to make sure she was ok.

The flight back was uneventful, Callen chatted about the helicopter, his brothers surprised that he wasn't as in awe of the machine as most people who first saw it were. However, over a small private Comm. chat, Sinjin told String it was probably because he had been tortured to get them to hand over Airwolf in the first place and to give G the space he needed to recover, reluctantly String agreed and they talked about the view and other miscellaneous things on the ride back to take his mind off it.

Callen leaned against the Jeep shielding his eyes as SinJin took off in Airwolf, to hide her safely again.

"So, that's Airwolf...?"

String nodded, "Yep, you can see why we keep it a secret, can't you?"

Callen watched as the helicopter screeched over the horizon and was gone. "Yep, if a terrorist group got their hands on it we'd all be in trouble."

"So you'll keep the secret?"

"Of course," Callen promised as he climbed into the jeep.

String looked over at his little brother, "I'm gonna miss you." He admitted.

Callen looked exactly how he felt, uncomfortable. No one had ever said they would miss him before. "I'm only gonna be in LA, you have my number, and Hetty's so you can find me if you need me."

"You'll stay out of trouble won't you?" String asked.

Callen shrugged, "Can't promise." He replied honestly.

Walking back into the Mission two days later, Sam watched as Callen stopped for a second before crossing the threshold to the bullpen.

"You ok G?" He asked.

Callen plastered a grin on his face, "Sure, just wanted to make sure my desk was still mine." He half joked.

Sam looked over, "Your nameplate is still there, so I guess it's still yours."

Callen smirked and walked over to his desk, putting his bag down and sinking into the well worn and comfortable seat with a sigh.

"Getting old there?" Deeks remarked as he and Kensi walked in to start the day.

"Nope, just glad to be back." Callen replied with a smile as Kensi dropped a coffee and a doughnut on his desk.

"Welcome back Callen." She smiled and took her seat next to him.

"See, now that's the kind of welcome back, I mean." Callen replied, taking a bite of the doughnut and a drink of his coffee.

Sam shot a mock glare at Kensi, "You spoil him like this and he'll want to drive my car next." He grouched.

Callen nodded as if considering it, "Well?" he started as Sam stood up and grabbed the keys from his desk.

"No.... Just no... Your driving makes me car sick." Sam complained.

Hetty walked over with a dark look on her face, "Mr. Callen, Mr. Deeks... you are wanted in the Boatshed." she said grimly.

Deeks and Callen looked concerned. "Are you switching partners on us Hetty?" Callen asked.

Hetty shook her head, "Far from it. I've just had a phonecall from LAPD, there is a warrant out for your arrest. Mr. Deeks will be meeting with Lt. Bates and Detective Jensen in the Boatshed, Mr. Deeks will be acting as your counsel."

"What?!" Sam exclaimed, "What the hell is he wanted for?"

Callen looked at the older woman with the same question on his mind.

Hetty blinked as the tears she was desperately trying to hold back threatened to fall.

"Child abuse, Ra...." She found she couldn't say it, "Just go Mr. Callen and take Deeks with you."

"Hetty?" Callen looked worried, "What is this about? I mean which Alias are they blaming?"

"No alias, Mr. Callen... You... You are accused of fathering a child with an underaged girl, holding her captive and abusing her."

"WHAT!" Callen shouted, "I'd never... Ever!.... Hetty?"

"Please, Mr. Callen, do not keep them waiting, we need to get this over and dealt with before Director Vance finds out about this."

"We'll all go, G's not going to face this alone, we know you've been set up." Sam said defending his partner.

Against her better judgement Hetty nodded, after all... If.... And she very loosely meant if, Callen was guilty, there was no one better than his team to keep him in line. She walked back to her desk and picked up the phone, she trusted her team, but this was something she couldn't control.

"Michael, I need your help." She said as the doors to the mission slammed shut with a fatalistic bang.

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