The Last Dance (5)

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Chapter 5 - Lessons

John's POV

I heard her slam the back door shut. Crap. She was right. She was a way better fighter than me. Hell, I never realized I was that bad before I fought her. But then again, I am the Prince, people probably let me win all the time. Except for her, she had never treated me any different. I ran my hands through my hair in frustration.

I turned around at the sound of the door opening. Maybe she came back?

No, it was only Luke and David. I felt a stab of disappointment, but what would it have mattered if she had come back? I'd probably only make it worse somehow. I sighed and waited for them to come up to me.

"Hey John, there you are, everyone was wondering where you disappeared off to," David laughed.

"Yeah, didn't feel like celebrating your big victory?" Luke said with a grin.

I looked down at the ground, feeling miserable.

"Come on guys, you know she let me win," I looked up to see them both exchanging a look.

Luke shifted from foot to foot "Look John--"

"You don't have to say anything, I know it's true, and anyway, we all saw her this morning, I didn't stand a chance. You guys have probably let me win too," I added quietly. It wasn't a question.

"Look John, we're sorry, it's just the Arm's Master..."

Were they really ordered to let me win?

I slumped down on a stool and dropped my head in my hands. This just keeps getting worse and worse.

I heard the guys kneel down beside me and felt someones hand on my shoulder.

"We felt bad about it, but I guess... the Arm's Master was just... afraid of what you'd do if you weren't the best."

I looked up, "So what you're saying... is that I'm a big screw up and everyone else has to fix it." I shook my head, "Cece was right."

"What? No, of course not"

"John, stop feeling sorry for yourself, it comes with the territory of being Prince" David said ruefully.

"Well maybe I don't want to be Prince, and have to deal with everything that comes with it" I whined.

"You're not that bad a swordsman John, its not like we go out of our way to let you win, and you have beaten us fairly before. It's just Cee's really good, a complete natural."

"Yeah, Cee could beat us all blindfolded, why do you think none of us fight her?" Luke said laughing.

"Exactly" David piped in "She's the best, no one ever wants to fight her, not unless they're ready to swallow their pride."

This made them both laugh, I only frowned, confused.

"Then... why would she let me win?"

"She just... didn't want to embarrass you."

"Yeah, but WHY? She's never cared about that before."

"Well, that's because it's usually just the two of you, but in front of everyone? Cee would never undermine your position in public, you have to know that."

"I never noticed"

David shook his head "You wouldn't, you're too busy giving her a hard time" He cuffed me over the head with a grin.

"Well she starts it"

"You sure about that?" Luke said with a raised brow "Think harder."

I frowned, was everyone against me? I mean... I did start things the night of her party... and I do always laugh at her when she's remotely girly... and that whole rematch idea was mine... plus I did confront her about letting me win just now... Shit.

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