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Chapter Five
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The next day, Jacob dropped me to school again. When we parked in front of my school, Xavier and his gang had already arrived. I saw them in the West Wing parking lot, laughing and chilling under the sun. I kept my eyes on the walkway that led to the main door and tried to avoid looking at them as I walked past them.

Leaning onto the hood of a car, Xavier cleared his throat and greeted me like a well-groomed Victorian gentleman, "Morning, Miss Lancaster."

A little surprised at that, I met his brown eyes and replied, "Xavier."

A calm, splendid smile appeared on his face before his eyes shifted from mine to quietly follow Jacob's car.

"Hey, Alina," the blonde-haired friend supplemented.

"It's Alana, asshole." One in deep blue t-shirt whacked him across his head.

"Right." He laughed while rubbing his head, "Sorry. Alana, I mean."

I couldn't help but laugh a little. Xavier stared at me as if he had never seen a human being laugh before.

"By the way," the one in deep blue shirt spoke up. "Your Ugly Narcissus just told me he saw you in his dream last ni. . ."

He stopped when Xavier gave him a hard whack on the back of his head, causing him to laugh. I walked away wearing a tiny blush. . . just a small, unnoticeable one.


When I opened my locker, I was greeted with one of the biggest surprises of my life. There I found a huge packet of Starburst with a yellow stick-note over it. 'For old time's sake' it read.

I pulled it out and stared at it for a good one minute, not quite able to stomach what was happening. A flood of warm tingles ran down my back as I thought of him, as I tried to picture his face. I was sure this was from Xavier. He was just there with his friends in the parking lot when Jacob dropped me and he hadn't even said anything about this. All he'd ever done to me was annoy and irritate me. To find this note all of a sudden was mind-boggling and even so sweet of him.

"Hey!" Kendra called as she came toward me with a book in her arms.

"Hey," I replied, still a bit dazed from the sweet surprise.

She came to stand next to me and when she saw the note in my hand, she asked, "What's that?"

I showed it to her and her eyebrows furrowed as she glanced at me confusedly.

"It's Xavier, I'm sure," I told her.

"But what does this mean?"

I pointed to the packet of starbursts inside my locker. She looked at it and then slowly broke into a huge grin. "Holy Butt-crack, this is so ka-yuttt!!!"

Kendra knew everything about my Starburst robbery, just as much as I did. Now that I think about it, it was rather funny how she used to get so furious and mad at Xavier for stealing them from me every morning. She and Xavier were the only two in school who knew exactly how much I loved them.

"This is so fucking cute. I'm gonna start shipping the two of you together. Childhood sweethearts. What do you say?" She turned to me rather seriously.

"Childhood rivals," I corrected for her.

"He would never – like never! – do this to anyone else, I swear to God. This isn't nothing."

"Yeah. Apparently, he's got a change of heart," I said as I sought out my books and closed the locker.

"No! That's not what I mean! This. . . this just isn't normal. Xavier doesn't do this sort of stuff. I mean, just look at him. Ugh," she sighed helplessly. "You don't get it."

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