You'll Always Be Mine - Chapter Four

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*Please read the note at the end about uploads next week!

Chapter Four – The fate of Mandy

Clover’s POV

She thrashed around in my arms, trying to escape. They all try to run. “Stop it,” I growled in her ear. All I wanted was to clean myself up and get going again. “Where’s the kitchen?” With a shaking hand, she pointed to the door in front of us.

“I’m going to take my hand off your mouth. If you make one noise I’ll kill you, okay?” She sniffed and nodded her head.

Slowly, I peeled my hand from her face. Her breathing quickened but she didn’t scream.  “Now, what’s your name?”

“M-Mandy,” she stuttered.

“It’s nice to meet you, Mandy. Do you know who I am?” The back of her head nodded against my chest. I thought she would, my face must have been all over the television and papers. “I’m going to need a few things and you’re going to help me, okay?” Again, she nodded. Her body was trembling in fear.

“Good, now, I need you to get me a backpack and fill it with food and water. I think you’ll know what I’ll do if you try to run or call someone. Go,” I instructed her, removing my arms from around it.

Mandy immediately jumped away from me and ran to the fridge, pulling out bottles of water. She worked quickly, laying out bread, crackers and packets of crisps on the kitchen table. “The bag is the in my bedroom,” she told me.

I nodded to the door, “I trust you.”

While she was getting the backpack I filled a glass with water and drained the cup. My body almost felt numb now, like I was used to the pain.

Less than thirty seconds later, Mandy returned with a dark green backpack and began filling it with everything she’d set out on the table. “I need a shower and clean clothes.” The idea of wearing someone else’s clothes was disgusting but not quite as bad as being in dirty clothes.

She nodded quickly, “My dad’s clothes should fit you.” I followed her to her parents’ room and picked out some clothes from the wardrobe, clothes that looked relatively new.  “Here’s a fresh towel, and the bathroom is through there,” she said quietly, her voice shaking slightly.

“Now, Mandy, you don’t think I’m going to leave you all alone do you?”

Her mouth dropped open at the same time her eyes bulged. I wasn’t stupid, she would be out of the house, calling the police the second I turned the shower on. “I-I won’t do anything, I promise.”

Smiling in amusement, I grabbed her hand, “They all promised that too.” Mandy shrank back, holding herself as far away from me as she could.

“Please, I won’t do anything, please,” she begged as I pushed her into the bathroom and slammed her against the wall. ‘Stop begging!’

“Shut up, just shut up,” I shouted in her face, making her flinch and tremble. “Now, sit on the toilet and don’t move an inch.” I shoved her towards the toilet and she immediately sat down. “Close your eyes,” I demanded. As she did as I told her, tears rolled down her face.

‘Weak girl.’

Mandy bowed her head with her eyes squeezed tightly together. She was trying not to make a sound but her breathing would hitch occasionally. I stripped out of my clothes, watching her carefully in case she opened her eyes. Once I was naked I locked the door and switched the shower on. They had a generous amount of shower gel, shampoo and conditioner. I was going to need a lot.

His [The Cellar sequel]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon